What if I don't like "getting comfortable" right away?

spice-is-nice's Avatar
As someone who vastly prefers the GFE illusion, I always find it a bit offputting when a lady greets me and says "Why don't you get comfortable?"--meaning take your clothes off, as we all know.

Actually I would prefer that we both start fully dressed, chat a little, then begin making out and gradually helping each other shed our clothes, and moving on from there. I like the process of doing that while kissing extensively and making out.

Why do so many ladies ask us to "get comfortable"? Is it the thought that LE wouldn't do this--which I think is incorrect--please let me know if I am wrong about that.

Guys, how do you feel about this.

Ladies, is this a requirement the first time you see someone? On subsequent visits? How do you feel in general about slowly unwrapping each other while talking, stroking, kissing, and making out.

Just a little pet peeve of mine.

  • pyro
  • 06-28-2010, 04:43 PM
because dragging it out makes them nervous. In the distant past there was a line that LE would not cross. But as we all know, they cross the line plenty. So put the lady at ease and you will have a better session...

just my $.02
I've never had a problem with the "get comfortable" part. That's why I go.
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
Just do what the dam chick wants and have a good time. I was told that men who want to "take it slow" arre usually the ones that try to over stay there welcome.Usually the second visit is more relaxed perhaps she would be willing to play your way once she knows you are a good client. Heff
caseytx's Avatar
Talk to her about it. Good communication is the key to both parties being comfortable.
You should just tell her ahead of time what you are looking for! Personally I try and read the guy and see what he is looking for! Some guys want to get down to the fun stuff immediately and others dont! Bring a bottle of wine with you or something and the girl will get the idea! A lot of girls probably do still believe that if you get naked your not a cop etc(like was mentioned above) so that may be why... that is a big reason why it is better to see providers who thoroughly screen. If they have no worries of you being LE when you arrive then she wont rush u as much!! anyway best of luck!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Hell, most ladies don't have to ask me to get comfy; I try to take everything off before I get to the door to save a little time.
simpleton's Avatar
I was told that men who want to "take it slow" arre usually the ones that try to over stay there welcome. Heff Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
by that logic I would be out the door in 10 minutes
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree with the OP. Shit, ladies. Let's just tear each other out of our clothing and make out like teenagers who have the house to themselves for the weekend after being grounded for a month for getting caught making out and not being able to finish!

That 'get comfortable' routine has gotten so banal lately.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Providers ask me to get comfortable on the first visit... but the next time they try to delay that as long as possible...
Providers ask me to get comfortable on the first visit... but the next time they try to delay that as long as possible... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

hmmmmmmmmmmm Im wondering why that is lol??????????
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-29-2010, 10:12 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmm Im wondering why that is lol?????????? Originally Posted by sexialexis86
Ha, don't let him bs you, alexis. TMFT is really a hunk-a hunk - a hunk of burning love. (or so I hear)
a hunk of burning love. Originally Posted by bbkid
It's usually not "love" that burns. So I hear.
lol bbkid I have been waiting for you to come along and see me ....i heard you from my first reviewer! hmmmmm i want to find out how much of a hunk you really are >! hmmmm with all this hott talk on the board im willing to have a hott session with bbkid and themanfromtexas !!!! sounds like the fun!
yngtxn's Avatar
I had a session with Fancy last year. It went exactly like that. I think we talk for almost am hr, them we started making out like teenagers and taking each other clothes off. Of there was a chick where I been wanting to take a bite out of I don't want to.waste anytime tearing into her.
But what she's ready to go? Maybe she wants to have some of you? I've also noticed if the lady gets "comfortable" right away she's more than likely comfortable with you.