Provider Posting Client Reviews-Ladies Paid Area?

So, I've had my fair share of crappy references... We all know the type, you call, text, and send an email, and then nothing.. Ever. Even though your client swears the girl is legit, and she's verified.

Beyond P411 OKs (which I feel aren't a good enough indicator) and Eccie verification through having a few reviews under your belt, there isn't any real client research resources for us. Or that yes/no from a verbal provider reference, you're pretty much on your own.

Places like Verifyhim are cluttered, unorganized, and pretty useless for anything beyond catching a known dangerous client...Maybe.

I vote for a nladies only, private, paid for area, where us girls could post reviews on clients?

Imagine a place where you could type in a handle, (easy as hell if already a member here!) and populate reviews on the guy who's trying to schedule with you. Wouldn't you feel a little more comfortable reading about the experiences other verified ladies have had with potential clients? I'd be willing to pay for that! Put up a poll, guage interest! I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to implement, and it would be a one of a kind place for us. Hell, Link P411 so we can write on those guys too, and you'll have a gold mine on your hands.

Just my .02 after not feeling anywhere near fulfilled on the info and resources available for us, even though we are at least 50% of your potential market.
SknyDiva's Avatar
I'm in. Glad I'm not the only one.
Im a client
I support this 100%. Just as long as we clients can see the reviews,
I've been interested in seeing "what the ladies really think of us" for some time...
seems only fair..... We review the providers, they review us......
one word though of with the reviews we gents submit,,,, reviews submitted by providers should not become a forum for bashing or promoting a personal agenda.
Great Idea although wouldn't be very safe for the gents. P411 has a place to put notes on clients. This would only scare hobbyist off, we are here to make sure they can keep things discreet, this is the total opposite. I like the idea, but it simply just wouldn't work and I don't have the time to review my clients. Really, that's what The Powder Puff Room is for, we can use it in many ways...

Miss Dreams
Great Idea although wouldn't be very safe for the gents. P411 has a place to put notes on clients. This would only scare hobbyist off, we are here to make sure they can keep things discreet, this is the total opposite. I like the idea, but it simply just wouldn't work and I don't have the time to review my clients. Really, that's what The Powder Puff Room is for, we can use it in many ways...

Miss Dreams
Originally Posted by Miss Dreams
Miss Dreams, then you wouldn't have to review, like I said, it can be a paid service the ladies who wanted to participate, could. How wouldn't it be safe for clients? Only the information on handles would be used. This is not at all being the opposite of discrete, it's being well informed and educated on who you're agreeing to sleep with. We put our lives in the hands of these men.

The powder room only helps with problem clients or negative reports. This would e much more detailed, and provide an insider look at what the gent is like.

I think it would lead to much more satisfying encounters, since the girls could get prepared for exactly what he likes.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Edit: saw the thread but didn't reply til later when the answer to my questions was posted.

I'd be interested in what providers thought about our visit. Pretty sure I know what most would say though.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Overall, as a client, I like and supprt this idea.

A few comments or questions if may.

First, like the ROS, I don't think the clients should have regular access to this section, its for the ladies to exchange info, not for the clients to get an ego boost.

But more importantly, what kinds of info were you looking at sharing? "He's ok, does DATY decently but watch it in Mish, he goes at it like an arab drilling for oil? A common comment I've gotten from local providers who apparently do share client info was "I heard you were a lot of fun and I see what they mean"
Which caught me by surprise because I don't generally do the same things, in the same sequence with every provider. So would you be talking about specific acts? Or general preferences and tendencies "he likes to bring wine and strawberries to his multihour appointments? "
Red, if I was paying for a service like this, I'd expect a similar level of security as the the Men's Lounge; It wouldn't be accessible to men.

Yeah, similar stuff like that....Set up a form just like for the men. Courteous, Rude, Gentle.. Did he treat you well, did he follow your rules? Things like if a client is pushy, disregards his time schedule, or is a drunk maybe? Hell, I'd like to know ahead of time who knows how to DATY like a champ, who takes instruction well, who likes what, so I can arrive prepared to provide the est possible experience. It wouldn't be meant for bashing, we have the ladies powder room for "problem clients". This wouldn't be for reporting jerks, just making it so the good, decent clients have more than an OK as a reputation. I'm a heavy text user, if a potential client has reviews mentioning he doesn't like text, I'd make it a point to walk outside and take his call.. Or, if a client has reviews of really not liking cigarette smell, I'd avoid smoking on the way to see him so I wouldn't have traces of it on me.. Right now, it's all guess work from talking and such.

So many people think it would be a negative, and maybe I'm naive in thinking most providers can manage to write a subjective, honest review without being monsters. Guys do it all the time!
I support...

I think it should be exactly like the men's reviews!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Seems like a weird idea to me. Most of my clients pay me for my discretion, and writing reviews of clients online is the least discreet thing I can think of.

There is a reason most providers are vague or give very little information in our references. Saying specific things about our clients can come back to bite us. Suppose I warn a fellow provider that a client is safe and that I would see him again, but warn them that he is always around 15 minutes late and often has bad breath. Now, I might want to see that client again, and these are obviously not offenses I would ever publicly blacklist someone for. But, if I don't know that provider, she could tell the client that I said these things about him (I imagine she particularly might be inclined to do this if he was on time and his breath was fine, etc). This is common and happens often enough that many of us stick to things like "Yes, he is safe," or "I would see him again" in our reference responses. Both to protect ourselves and to protect the privacy of our clients.

The only way that I could see this being fair to clients is if they could "opt in" or "opt out" of the ability to have reviews placed on them. If they choose to opt in, it could be used as an easy form of screening for them, and help improve the quality of their experiences as providers they see can know exactly what they like and prepare for their sessions more thoroughly. But they are not the ones running a business here.

Another thought to consider- while LE sometimes has a hard time using reviews of providers to gain convictions, as they can be dismissed as "hearsay" and unverifiable, I imagine that if a provider wrote a review of what happened with a client, they would be unable to claim in court that it wasn't true after all. Even if a forum was private and limited to ladies only, LE would still have access. They always do.
tia travels's Avatar
There is another board that lets you review the clients. PM me if you want that info.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-10-2013, 04:10 PM
Personally I would have no qualms about being reviewed in a lady's forum, however there are a lot of guys who for discretion, ego, or whatever other reason would be vehemently against it. Other more local sites have tried it in the past but too many ladies found that it cost them serious business if they started writing reviews--even positive ones. I am not aware of any where such things go on now, but if Tia says there are then I would believe her--she is far more knowledgeable than I am.

But "ladies only" area or not, hopefully the ladies know it would be as porous as the "men only" areas are--they leak like a sieve.
RedLeg505's Avatar
CS, given how you described this review section working, I fully support it and would opt in myself. Not that such cuts much ice with the folks that run this place, but.. I vote "go for it".
Seems like a weird idea to me. Most of my clients pay me for my discretion, and writing reviews of clients online is the least discreet thing I can think of.

There is a reason most providers are vague or give very little information in our references. Saying specific things about our clients can come back to bite us. Suppose I warn a fellow provider that a client is safe and that I would see him again, but warn them that he is always around 15 minutes late and often has bad breath. Now, I might want to see that client again, and these are obviously not offenses I would ever publicly blacklist someone for. But, if I don't know that provider, she could tell the client that I said these things about him (I imagine she particularly might be inclined to do this if he was on time and his breath was fine, etc). This is common and happens often enough that many of us stick to things like "Yes, he is safe," or "I would see him again" in our reference responses. Both to protect ourselves and to protect the privacy of our clients.
I totally understand, and get what you mean, but, don't clients write honest and revealing reviews on us often? This would actually reduce that kind of underhanded BS from crappy women because each encounter would be judged as an individual event. We're all human, and everyone has off days, but this would point out habits. No phone numbers have to be posted, to protect married guys.. But if they already have a handle here, it's not like I'm outing anyone. This would be the same thing as right now, when a lady gets a Yes for recommendation, but the client didn't like her. She did her job, but they just didn't click.. That kind of info, would lead to way more successful dates.
The only way that I could see this being fair to clients is if they could "opt in" or "opt out" of the ability to have reviews placed on them. If they choose to opt in, it could be used as an easy form of screening for them, and help improve the quality of their experiences as providers they see can know exactly what they like and prepare for their sessions more thoroughly. But they are not the ones running a business here.
You're right, we are the ones running a business, so why don't we have any resources like this? No other industry is so one sided towards consumers, with little to no options for providers. Without us, there is no them, without the women here, eccie doesn't exist.. So, why should the only real perk of being a member here, constantly sending business this way through word of mouth & advertising, and keeping the guys coming back to this site be rudimentary adds and a unprivate, private area?

Another thought to consider- while LE sometimes has a hard time using reviews of providers to gain convictions, as they can be dismissed as "hearsay" and unverifiable, I imagine that if a provider wrote a review of what happened with a client, they would be unable to claim in court that it wasn't true after all. Even if a forum was private and limited to ladies only, LE would still have access. They always do. Originally Posted by spicyzoey
Everything on these sites can be defended in court as total fantasy. These are just stories being told on a forum.. That is why, for a conviction, they set up stings. Gathering information is a constant and ever present worry, but this wouldn't add any more danger to either gent, nor women, than a traditional review.

Personally I would have no qualms about being reviewed in a lady's forum, however there are a lot of guys who for discretion, ego, or whatever other reason would be vehemently against it. Other more local sites have tried it in the past but too many ladies found that it cost them serious business if they started writing reviews--even positive ones. I am not aware of any where such things go on now, but if Tia says there are then I would believe her--she is far more knowledgeable than I am.
Discretion is no issue here. If a gent prefers not to be reviewed for whatever reason, simply request your playmate not do so. If she does so anyway, then by all means never see her again. Same rules apply right now, to us and our clients. No more private information would be shared, than already openly available on these boards, and way less than most lady's screenings require. Ego is not of my concern, and shouldn't be for any lady giving a reference at all. With tact, honestly, and civility, the pertinent information can be relayed without offending anyone. These are, again, the exact same terms now held by male reviewers. I may not be able to see ROS, but I can see when you guys comment back and forth, and piece together the story. There are plenty of Yes recommendations, with negative posts pointing to the client not liking his time. If you guys are capable of reviewing us in ways that don't openly demean, unjustly negatively affect, or inappropriately offend, I think we can too. I will look into the currently available review sites through Tia before commenting on those, and their failures, as I wasn't aware they existed.

But "ladies only" area or not, hopefully the ladies know it would be as porous as the "men only" areas are--they leak like a sieve. Originally Posted by Old-T
Absolutely, and it seems that enough women are willing to put their money where their mouth is in order to focus on the worthy clients, and forgo the unsavory ones.
Ugh.. Excuse the messed up quoting.