Thinking of coming out???

Life has been changing for me obviously. Have even started my first facebook account and was curious should I let myself be known further, since it is no secret amongest those whom know me??Thoughts on being honest as an adult model?
This song I feel is apart of me inside.
You are so brave.

I wish I could scream it loud and proud to the world.

There is just too much judgement with "respect" to our line of work.

I suggest not doing any provider stuff through social network sites but more power to you for owning your job title. I am sure you will find many people will be just as curious as they are dismissive.

On the other hand, I can say from experience; Ladies, if you don't want anyone to know about what you do, do not tell anyone, ANYONE! And if someone finds out, deny deny deny!

Big ups to you Molly!

BTW I love sublime. Did you know they recorded their 1st album in Austin, Texas! Yep!

*It's just semantics. Please don't get offended by this term.
Interval's Avatar
I would give that very serious careful consideration. You would hate to have that come back to haunt you some day far in the future. Right or wrong, an extreme measure of discretion is practiced by all of us ( well, most of us).

All I am saying is give very careful thought, with an eye towards your future 10, 15 or 20 years from now. What you post about yourself on a social media sight today under your real name might be something you wish to keep as your own private, personal business in a distant tomorrow. Those that need to know today, by your own admission, are aware. There may be those in your future who really don't need to know.
sixxbach's Avatar
The short answer would be NO IMHO....

Can't unring a bell. Tread lightly
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I would say not just no but HELL NO.

And I agree because you do not know what you might want to do in 5, 10, 20 years.

For example a lady is running for Congress and the big story is that in High School she dabbled in witchcraft. She said she DATED a guy who was into it and he told her about it and she didn't stick with it but it is hurting her campaign.

This is bigger than that! This has your pictures, ads, reviews and website archived forever. Find a gal here to be your friend and confidant and keep a personal life separate! Please!
all of my close friends and family know what I do with Providers, Civies and Swingers, will this one day hurt me? perhaps.

There is also plenty of videos of me fuking some dudes wife or who knows.. Will that come back and hurt me? I sure hope not, but I will say " at least I looked good naked in 2008"
Anything you post on Facebook stays on their server FOREVER... even after you delete it. I am sure they track IP addresses, which can be converted into geographic locations. (They need that for targeted advertising.)

Personally, I don't put anything on Facebook that I don't want repeated at Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
See my family is the type to welcome the sex scene. I've got more breast implants, g-strings,over eductaed, musicians, and what-nots in the tree. even so I'm so tempted even still. I know its the wrong way but when I ever going the right direction. I mean I am The Naughty Texan for cryin' out loud. Just cause this site isn't up-to-date with my background doesn't mean I can't put a mark. Plus, kinda raised into. My upbringing was expeirment, party, be slutty, try the military, try college, and ride the rollercoaster of life. Just there is a part of me that is very sweet.Confused?
rCoder's Avatar
The internet is forever.

I recommend not for two other reasons:

1) you don't know who is harvesting data (think weirdos, tax man, LE, employers,...) or how they might use any info (but the odds are not in your favor).

2) times change. What if the religious right managed to take over with their puritan bull shit. Are you really ready to commit to wearing a scarlet letter?

While you are obviously brave, you still need to be smart brave.
I've realized that and have things stuck out there with my name, "Audrey" wether I like it or not. Plus, "the naughty texan" has been plugged into it too. Its almost is like even if I were to reform, retire or whatever I have whom I've had to be for survival purposes tag along to me for the rest of my life. So why not embrace it and why not be proud of those I've been a lover too, cause it wasn't ideal or Mrs. Beaver perfect?Plus, being a big girl I did some real paid modeling gigs and did a great job. So I'm not to embrace the portfolio I've so proudly done. I'm tempted to network myself for the same reason all people network to have a better home over their heads.My future knows that and so does my relatives that I am a person whom strives for postive intentions till the are overly achieved. Just ask my former lovers ,bosses, or photographers I've worked with. My personality is aimed to please and thats it. So why not expose this part of me in which is a part of whom I am?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-02-2010, 10:52 PM
It sounds like you've already made up your mind and are looking for affirmation of your decision. But if that's the case, you really don't need it. What's done is done.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
It sounds like you've already made up your mind and are looking for affirmation of your decision. But if that's the case, you really don't need it. What's done is done. Originally Posted by Carl
