It's been a quiet week in Co-Ed. Maxeen had a birthday, and the Norwegian bachelor farmers gang-banged her in tribute. And Ozmosys, that sad little creature whom everyone despises, probably because he uses the word "whom", has found a new all-time favorite ... as he does practically every day. But he's kind of keeping it to himself. For now at least. We'll see if it's any different this time.
But his creative juices are flowing. So what better time than the Christmas holidays to find out if anyone is awake out there. Are all the creative folks too busy procreating under the mistletoe? Or maybe they're all just out buying Christmas gifts for their already-created progeny? I think that's probably what it is.
We hear a lot of talk about provider orgasms, or even female orgasms in general. But it's an elusive creature. Usually, there is no squirting of telltale fluids, so the women have the men at a disadvantage. The women ... <sound of slow inhalation, even slower exhalation with a final and dramatic asthmatic wheeze> ... have no insecurity about <wheezes again> the subject of orgasms, because they know when their guy is getting off, and they know when they are getting off. Probably their only insecurity is, why couldn't they get him off a little sooner. Or maybe themselves a little more frequently, as the case may be.
The guys out at the Sidetrack Tap talk a lot about female orgasms, particularly the ones that they consider themselves personally responsible for.
And Cosmopolitan magazine has practically invented an industry surrounding it. But what is the female orgasm exactly? It's a mystery to most of us men, and probably will stay that way for awhile.
Pastor Ingvist wrote a sermon about the subject. He told the congregation that if women have to have orgasms, that he has nothing against it in principle, but why do they have to be so vocal about it.
The Sons of Knute are assembling a team of engineers to solve this eternal question. They're doing scientific research, and gathering up all kinds of technical equipment, kind of like the Ghost Busters, to solve this mystery once and for all.
But they can't quite come up with a name for their tag team. And what would you call that exactly? Mythbusters has already been taken. Well I suppose that can wait for another day.
Whispers has some hungry kiddos that he's feeding, so everyone dig deep into your pockets and lets all help them out here as much as we can. We are all so fortunate in so many ways. Sometimes we forget that.
Ozmosys has a new set of puppies to take care of now, and he takes a little joy with his sad little soul, in taking this worn out old bone, the myth of the female orgasm, out of the cupboard, and repackaging it, and presenting it to his pack of hungry puppies to gnaw upon. Or maybe not.
That's the news from ECCIE, where all the women are bitches, all the men are pricks, and all the orgasms are above-average.
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