Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire from Supreme Court

I B Hankering's Avatar
Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire from Supreme Court
Updated 2:25 PM ET, Wed June 27, 2018

Washington (CNN) Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative who provided key votes for same sex-marriage, abortion access and affirmative action, will retire from the Supreme Court.

bambino's Avatar
I just posted in another thread I hope Trump keeps picking judges. This one will be HUGE! As far as Im concerned, these Justices will be Trumps most important decisions. And the main reason why I voted for him. I’d thought I would never say this, but a big thanks to Harry Reid!!!!!
Now if Ruth Bader Ginsberg would wake up and retire.
bambino's Avatar
Now if Ruth Bader Ginsberg would wake up and retire. Originally Posted by Cherie
She would have to not wake up one day. She’ll never retire.
RBG is going to be a problem for the Democrats because they'll have to wake her up, put her in a car, wake her up several times, feed her, etc to keep her on the Supreme Court. My guess at this time she not physically or mentally capable of handling the load. Look at the majority opinions she's written in the last 5 years.
RBG is going to be a problem for the Democrats because they'll have to wake her up, put her in a car, wake her up several times, feed her, etc to keep her on the Supreme Court. My guess at this time she not physically or mentally capable of handling the load. Look at the majority opinions she's written in the last 5 years. Originally Posted by gnadfly
RBG, Maxie, Pelosi and a number of others need to do the right thing for the American people and pass the torch. OOOPs what am I thinking "for the American people", they are all just in it for themselves, like McCain they'll be there till the day they're pushing up daisy. SAD
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this is a huge impact for Trump. two justices to the court in his first two years. and probably another in Bader Ginsberg. let's see if the Dems can keep her "alive" till 2020?

in other news, the Dem have begun their quest to block any nominee by Trump.

“NO new Supreme Court nominations by Trump to replace Justice Kennedy. NONE,” tweeted Richard W. Painter, former George W. Bush ethics chief turned Democratic Senate candidate. “He is in blatant violation of the Constitution and must be impeached. Senate and House Judiciary Committee hearings are way past due. I have had it with appeasement of aspiring dictators.”

this is entirely different that either Bush Jr. and Obama. Both were lame duck second term presidents. Further, Bush was stonewalled in 2007. that Obama in 2016 was stonewalled was payback. Trump has two years left to 2020. if the Dems think they can keep the Supreme Court at a 4-4 stalemate for two years just on their obvious bias against Trump it will blow up in their faces like a ACME Dynamite kit.

yet they are ALREADY calling for that very thing. Kennedy's announcement is only hours old and the Dems are already trying to deny Trump's constitutional right as President to appoint a new justice.

I said before the election that the single biggest issue in that election was Supreme Court Judges.

Can you amagine who that hag of a cunt Hillary would have put on the Bench?
lustylad's Avatar
RBG is going to be a problem for the Democrats because they'll have to wake her up, put her in a car, wake her up several times, feed her, etc to keep her on the Supreme Court. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Ya thinks the DNC is paying for her personal trainer?

bambino's Avatar

Ya thinks the DNC is paying for her personal trainer?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Super Diva? Looks like an old man to me.
Roe versus Wade will be overturned after the selection of the Trump Justice. You Dallas fucktards will be paying child support forever.
And to think President Obama had a Congressional Supermajority for nearly two years.

Good times, good times.

Anybody remember Hope at Wildflowers? Good Times.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Roe versus Wade will be overturned after the selection of the Trump Justice. You Dallas fucktards will be paying child support forever. Originally Posted by telephoneman
since when is 18 years forever? bahahaaa

if you stick the bare dick in the hole then you pay for that play. as it stands today, you can't force a woman to have an abortion. many think Trump is some sort of religious zealot, he's not.

Mike Huckabee, Sarah's daddy is. he'd outlaw abortions for women who have been raped, who are in danger of death by pregnancy, or have a clearly deformed fetus.

i'm an atheist so religion means nothing to me concerning abortion. to me, there is no moral argument you can make, religious or otherwise, to force a woman to have a child conceived by forcible rape or at the risk of her life. or to carry a clearly deformed child to term. THIS IS IMMORAL.

now as for women who become pregnant when they did not intend to, they have choices. the first is to have an abortion, especially if they cannot support the child at the time it is born. all that is, is a welfare momma waiting to happen. they can give the child up for adoption. they can allow the father to take the child and raise it. i do not think any law could pass Supreme Court scrutiny where the father can compel the mother to have the child such that the father can raise it. a little explored concept, but again it's the woman that has to carry the child to term. So it falls to the woman to decide.

i don't see Trump moving to repeat Row V Wade. his supreme court pick, Gorsuch, has said that Row V Wade is the 'Law of the Land' .. yet Trump nominated him and he was confirmed.


So Trump put forth a justice who feels abortion is a "Woman's Right", as i do. so where is the justification of the liberal left to claim Trump's next nomination should be blocked on this grounds?

Trump will nominate another conservative justice, as i want him to. and when Bader Ginsberg kicks the bucket before 20202 he'll get another opportunity to shift the Supreme Court to a conservative slant, but this does not spell gloom and doom to certain liberal ideology.

the Dems are fools to try to block this nomination, on any grounds. certainly not any fearmongering nor any so called "wait till the mid terms to see how the Congress shifts .. or not"

Trump will push forward for a conservative justice, one that will not dismantle basic woman's rights, nor even interfere with gay rights. these are nothing but liberal fearmongering.

Nothing Gorsuch has done since his appointment indicate this will happen with Trump's next nomination.

and when Bader Ginsberg crokes he'll get another conservative justice that upholds the Constitution based on law and i'm all for that.

it's time for judges and especially the justices to stop trying to "legislate from the bench" and adhere to the rule of law.

other than denying that fucktard whore Hillary the White House, this is Trump's other legacy.
After reading this post by Waco, it seems a great choice for that Supreme Court post might be Mike Huckabee .....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
After reading this post by Waco, it seems a great choice for that Supreme Court post might be Mike Huckabee ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
uhhhh .... NO. he's a religious zealot. not only does he NOT pass my moral muster, he'd never pass the confirmation process. his daughter's position in the Trump administration notwithstanding.

this guy is a radical religious nutcase. the dems will NEVER allow him on the Supreme Court, and neither would i.

Trump will pick a conservative, just not a radical like Mikey. he's OUT before he even get's nominated.