So, Who Watched Megyn Kelly's Interview With Putin?

If this was supposed to be her big debut to show that she is tough, decisive, and more than just a pretty face, she kinda fell flat. The stuff she pulled on Fox, where she would look into the camera and give the viewer her "ignore him, I know what's right" look doesn't work with a hard ass like Putin.

He looked at her like she was an idiot.or worse, a irrelevant piece of eye candy.His answers reflected his attitude toward the News Media in general, and many of our elected officials on the Left. They are naive morons who don't have a clue about the evils of the real world,

Can you amagine what Putin and his Cronies are thinking when they see the likes of Nancy Peloci, Maxine Waters, Al Frankin, and other snowflakes on TV. It's comical.

Megyn Kelly made the mistake that we are warned by Lawyers never to make. That is, don't ask a question you don't already know the answer too. She actually looked stumped at some of his answers. Like......"hey, you're not following the script". When Putin would simply say, "that's not true", she would give the old, "anonymous sources say that there might be a possibility that Russia could have influenced the 2016 Elections", reply, to which Putin would say, "they are wrong".

Maybe something was lost in translation.

Her "well, we know the real truth" just didn't work with Putin.

Somebody should have told Kelly that the person she was interviewing is a genuine hardness. Whether you hate, like, or even admire Vadymir Putin is not the issue. The issue is this guy did not get to where he is by being a nice guy and playing by the rules.

The question should also be asked.....Who at NBC thought this would go well?

This was a bad choice for a first interview.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-05-2017, 06:12 AM
That is one take...

What I've seen so far is a Putin , in a slight of hand admitting wtf we already knew.

Jackie do you think Putin is good for this country?

Putin never once criticize Donald Trump. Hmmmm

Odds are, Ms Kelly was prolly thinking (while the interview was taking place), "So this is what it feels like to be squeezed into a butcher's meat grinder..."
bamscram's Avatar
Putin has made more people disappear than the Clintons. You need to be respectful..LOL
megyn who?

who the hell watches nbc?
Kelly got up there and spewed the globalist talking points. Now she slither back under her uni-party rock...

That is one take...

What I've seen so far is a Putin , in a slight of hand admitting wtf we already knew.

Jackie do you think Putin is good for this country?

Putin never once criticize Donald Trump. Hmmmm

. Originally Posted by WTF
Well maybe he gives credit where credit is due. He used to bashed the shit out of Obama and Clinton though. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that was warranted.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-05-2017, 08:13 AM
Well maybe he gives credit where credit is due. He used to bashed the shit out of Obama and Clinton though. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that was warranted.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yes, they were the heads of State of their enemy.

Now Trump is the head of state of their enemy.

Something fishy. Maybe Gen Patton was wrong.
That is one take...

What I've seen so far is a Putin , in a slight of hand admitting wtf we already knew.

Jackie do you think Putin is good for this country?

Putin never once criticize Donald Trump. Hmmmm

. Originally Posted by WTF
No, I do not think Putin is good for this Country. He is a Despot with a good Public Relations Department.

As far as him not criticizing President Trump?. I think he is ambivalent. The Russians are probably amazed at our News Media's obsession with this whole election thing. To them, it was just business as usual. It's what the Russians do.

The Russians did not "collude" with the Trump campaign, because like everyone else, figured Hillary was going to be the next President. Hell, Putin was probably as shocked as Chris Mathews and Martha Raddazt when the returns started coming in.

Their game plan was to damage Hillary as much as possible, so they, in their minds, would be operating from a position of strength. She gave them plenty of ammunition. All they had to do was do a search and leak it out, something our Main Stream Media refused to do.

I still believe that the Russians are laughing at The Democrats, and their Lackeys in the media.
Yes, they were the heads of State of their enemy.

Now Trump is the head of state of their enemy.

Something fishy. Maybe Gen Patton was wrong. Originally Posted by WTF
No, it has nothing to do with just being Heads of State. Putin recognized Obama and Clinton as the frauds they are and called them out on it. Although Russia is not one our allies they aren't exactly an enemy either. We don't need to be in conflict with these people or any of their allies for that matter. Putin may not be good for America but staying on neutral ground with Russia is.

LexusLover's Avatar
Putin may not be good for America but staying on neutral ground with Russia is. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Old Man Bush knew Putin and vice respect. Putin's resources provide him with sufficient information to have "the book" on whoever has a chat with him. Kelly was toast before she got on the plane. He knew what was in her "overnight" bag.

There are two Putins: The mainstream media version and the real one!
lustylad's Avatar
Putin is a very skillful liar. He makes it look effortless. I liked the one where he said he had no idea who Michael Flynn was, even though he sat next to him at that RT dinner. As if the seating at such events is random, not chosen in advance lol.
LexusLover's Avatar
Putin is a very skillful liar. He makes it look effortless. I liked the one where he said he had no idea who Michael Flynn was, even though he sat next to him at that RT dinner. As if the seating at such events is random, not chosen lol. Originally Posted by lustylad
He's experienced.
Budman's Avatar
Why should Putin criticize Trump when the MSM does it in spades.
tttalinky's Avatar
On the positive side:
Megyn is very easy on the eyes! She will do fine as long as her looks hold out and NBC can justify her high salary.

On the negative side:
She farts on live TV......very unprofessional!