So I have a question

Through all the banning and bs, the question still goes unanswered.... where do NCNSs go? Most post it as a review, and for whatever reason it is moved to alerts. When I post my NCNS, it was moved from alerts to CoEd, as have some others. Am I missing something here? I've heard that bs moved to CoEd so that both parties can respond, but that's equally possible in the alert section also. So where is the line drawn when determining what goes where? The last time I checked yes NCNSs are annoying, but not life threatening; there are far worse things in this hobby that could happen.

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Make a forum or put it in the ML/PR..... Since there is no clear opinion even amongst the MODS then make a freakin' forum....

Just my opinion...
LD, that is a good question to put in the Member Suggestion / Feedback forum

There are no SET rules as to where to put them. Personally, I think NC/NS belong in the Alerts Forum. Like you said, "bs moved to CoEd so that both parties can respond, but that's equally possible in the alert section also."

I'm sure your Mods in Houston will come up with a plan as to where to put them...we just have to be consistent at doing so.

Just my .02
sixxbach's Avatar
How is a NC/NS alert worthy? Read the description about the alert section. An alert has to do with safety IMO. A NC/NS sucks gives it gives a hobbyist blue balls and a provider is out cash but there is no danger to their well being. When I was a mod, we moved NC/NS to coed. I believe that is still the case.....

TexasGator's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in The Sandbox?
Shouldn't this be in The Sandbox? Originally Posted by TexasGator
I'll get right on that for you TG...
boardman's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in The Sandbox? Originally Posted by TexasGator beat me to it!
dearhunter's Avatar
In my opinion NCNSs belong in the alert section........the cost in time and money to both hobbyists and providers are real and relevent to people looking for alert issues on someone.

When you are looking for issues about a provider/hobbyist and post a search, it is easier to wade through the nonsense when you are able to narrow your search in the "Alerts Forum".

I don't really care what the forum definition is.....this is a common sense issue.

What does LDs threAD about "porn" have to do with the hobby? Yet, coed seems the logical place for it.........common sense.
Place NC/NS in the alerts section.
sixxbach's Avatar
Well if it's a common sense issue the owners are not using it. They wrote the damn definitions for the forums. Hell, the mods aren't even following the definitions of the board.

There a are many things with modding that are at the judgement of the mod. A NC/NS is NOT ONE IMHO. I may not agree with it per say but read the fucking definition!

pyramider's Avatar
How is a NC/NS alert worthy? Read the description about the alert section. An alert has to do with safety IMO. A NC/NS sucks gives it gives a hobbyist blue balls and a provider is out cash but there is no danger to their well being. When I was a mod, we moved NC/NS to coed. I believe that is still the case.....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

I don't know about you but my blue balls are a danger to my well being and those within close proximity.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
As has been said many times....."common sense it not all that common"...... sixx while I agree with you that by the black & white written word, NCNS does NOT belong in Alerts....... but it doesn't really belong in CoEd nor Sandbox either......... I agree with DH in that the chances are that my time per hr is much more valuable than the provider I have a session booked with.... not to mention what the 4 sided one said!!

The fact is that we are trying to cram a square peg into round holes with this (insert Pun Here _____)

But the inconsistancies involving this is rapidly comming to an end, I can promise you that!

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Wakeup is gonna love that...
sixxbach's Avatar

I hear ya. I feel it belongs in coed because NC/NS are he said/she said. Very rarely will we know the facts. I noticed many NCNS reviews in Dallas for example. Those should not be there because the sessions never happened IMO. I am not trying to bust the mod's chops about this. NC/NS certainly should not be in review section b/c the provider cannot comment there to defend herself. As we all know two sides to every story.

A NC/NS is of course hobby related and by definition of coed forums... the he said/she said debate is entertaining.....

Hmmm maybe I made the argument right there that NC/NS are coed appropriate

In my opinion NCNSs belong in the alert section........the cost in time and money to both hobbyists and providers are real and relevent to people looking for alert issues on someone.

When you are looking for issues about a provider/hobbyist and post a search, it is easier to wade through the nonsense when you are able to narrow your search in the "Alerts Forum".

I don't really care what the forum definition is.....this is a common sense issue.

What does LDs threAD about "porn" have to do with the hobby? Yet, coed seems the logical place for it.........common sense. Originally Posted by dearhunter

two totally different types of threads, and leave my porn outta this

I'm glad that there's some clear and thoughtful dialogue on this.