Eccie site

CatMan4u's Avatar
Man it's really nice to have evcie back to normal thank you owners and mods
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
actually the techs who bumped that one to the top of the list.
CatMan4u's Avatar
If the tec guys want to improve eccie add a line that makes it easier to research active members
A line simlar to the sandbox and do it by state or local boards
yourdesire's Avatar
I'm active *wink*
CatMan4u's Avatar
Your desire i should have tried harder to see you when i was working up that way
CatMan4u's Avatar
Suggestion for the mods about this site.
For pa and upgraded female account only make a line stating active eccie members
List. state
Then by local board
Then drop down to
A. Male members
B. Female members
C. All members

Last update the list quarterly

To me it would be very simple for a tech guy or person to do