Porn Art *giggles*

Lexxxy's Avatar
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Lmao!! Reminds me of the time I was air brushed to look like a blow up doll.. A lil twisted ! Very funny Lexxxy!!
Gentleman Jack's Avatar
OMG.... that's toooooooooo funny. LMFAO
Gentleman Jack's Avatar
Please help me. I can't stop looking....
Lexxxy's Avatar
I always know I kind of crossed a line when one of my posts or threads get me a ton of off board replies and few on board replies haha.
I have a twisted sense of humor and I'm a Chivette so I figured I would be in good company sharing it here.
These are addictive.
When I first saw this one I almost died.
Gentleman Jack's Avatar
Some of the captions are HYSTERICAL.

Please. Someone. Anyone. Make me stop looking...
Lmao!! Reminds me of the time I was air brushed to look like a blow up doll.. A lil twisted ! Very funny Lexxxy!! Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
I would like to see those pictures!
TheRedMonroe's Avatar
omg I couldn't stop giggling. I cycled through so many of those. The dude in the "awesome hat" made be giggle the hardest. The expression on his face is perfect!
I really should be studying, but that was way more entertaining! Thank you!!
roccitygirl's Avatar
Lexxxy's Avatar
KCCO!!! Originally Posted by roccitygirl
A fellow Chivette!!!! Woot!I'd buy you a drink if I could *Giggles*