hapLEE LEEster!

Plastic Man's Avatar
fer ...yer sins ans disgustin ...life ...choices yers alls gonna burns ...ins eternal hellfire buts today be the day we ...dones celebrate thats yer ...plastic man ...is risin

...praise yer king a kings ans wallows ...ins ...his splendor fer ...plastic man ...loves the lowest amongst ya as ifs ...ya weres an infinitely lesser ...brother
Happy Easter PM.

That's one of your more strange posts dude.
lilylivered's Avatar
Nice to have you guide us in our times of strife PM...
Thank you for the great golden dildo in my Leester basket!!!
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 04-05-2021, 07:41 AM
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
We should thank PM for leaving all those plastic egg things everywhere. It's as if PM is trying to expand his family everywhere.
Yeah, I think he left some stuff on my front steps, but a good, stiff brush and some strong detergent should take care of it.