Reason why ladies may not see you!

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
These are some of the reasons ladies will not see gents!
Please feel free to add on to the list.

Bad oral hygiene. Please brush teeth before appt.

Did not bath before appt. If you can't take a bath before appt, please ask to use ours.

Smell like piss, guys shaking it alone doesn't get rid of the smell. It gets on your underwear and is nasty.

Bad BO, especially for Indian guys. Please clean your pits and use deodorant. Americans are not use to this smell and it is very offensive.

To hairy, guys please do man scaping down there. If we want to floss our teeth we will use dental floss.

Pushy, aggressiveness, not all ladies are in to dom and even them want to get to know you before they allow you to dominate them.

On medication, if you are taking a medication that interferes with your functions please let us know so we can prepare.

Always canceling appts, our time is valuable to us, just as yours is to you.

Asking for what we don't offer, all of us are different, if I don't have PSE, Sub or GFE listed then don't ask for it or try to get it.

Talking about sex on the phone or text about it. Its a red flag and if you want to have phone sex call a 800 number my time is not free.

Asking for no condemn, if you ask me not to use one then how many others have you gotten away with it with. RED FLAG, god only knows what you have

Bad manners, just because you are paying doesn't mean you can treat me like I am not human.

Always calling 10 minutes before you want to be seen. We do have lives and need time to prepare. Unless you want to see us with no make up in sweets and maybe smelling.

Offering drugs or asking about them. 90% of the ladies don't do them and want nothing to do with them and the ones that do do them need help not more of them.

Lying. Lie to your wife, girlfriend or boss. But don't lie to me. If you can't be honest with a whore then who can you be honest to. We are not going to tell anyone, really we have to much else going on in our brains to remember everything you have told us.

Trying to haggle price. We tell you what our donation is, pay it or move on. We are not car sales men. We are worth every penny.

African American, sorry guys but most girls experiences are you try to get it for free, start talking gangster crap, disrespectful, wanna be pimps, trade for drugs, looking for girlfriend. If we wanted any of that we would be already doing it. There are exceptions to all rules though.

Okay here are a few. Ladies and gents please ask questions or add to it if you would like too.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
The question of you don't offer if it is not listed is not always true. From my experience several will say yes and most of them won't up charge. Some of these wonderful ladies will call me every time they come through as well before or if they even bother putting up an add for me to see. Of those that say no as long as they only have to say no once some of them will offer it out of the blue to you if you are a repeat customer. It boils down to asking in a polite way and respecting the answer.
She double-booked.
She looked out the window and saw you.
She's hungover.
She won the lottery.

Regarding services on offer, many ladies are circumspect in what the write in their ads and will not list all their services. If I were to assume that I can't have a service she didn't specifically list, then there are a lot of women I can't call. We both lose. If there are things she doesn't do, she should say so in the ad.

As JJ says:
>It boils down to asking in a polite way and respecting the answer.
Some things just boil down to trust, Second and third visits are often more fun and more options are on the table as long as their is mutual respect.

Greek is one of those that some will provide on a sporadic basis, as size does become an issue, and slow going instead of wham bam thank you mam.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
She double-booked.
She looked out the window and saw you.
She's hungover.
She won the lottery.

Regarding services on offer, many ladies are circumspect in what the write in their ads and will not list all their services. If I were to assume that I can't have a service she didn't specifically list, then there are a lot of women I can't call. We both lose. If there are things she doesn't do, she should say so in the ad.

As JJ says:
>It boils down to asking in a polite way and respecting the answer.
Bingo. Originally Posted by RafaelH

Thats why there are reviews. You can pretty much get the gist of what she offers and doesn't offer.
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 02-10-2014, 06:36 PM
Truth be told, sweats and no makeup is kinda my thing. It's as close to a fetish as I have.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Truth be told, sweats and no makeup is kinda my thing. It's as close to a fetish as I have. Originally Posted by sdawg
Just give me a call 10 minutes before you want to meet and I'll be ready.
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 02-10-2014, 09:11 PM
Just give me a call 10 minutes before you want to meet and I'll be ready. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Promises, promises!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Promises, promises! Originally Posted by sdawg
Not a promise. It is just the way you will find me without at least a hour notice.
strawberrycar934's Avatar
I think that this is an excellent list. And to be honest, it is precisely what this forum should encourage, better dialogue between hobbiests (sic) and providers.

The challenge is that some ladies will operate precisely as Y does and some will not. But the list that she put forth is still a quality guide. I know that I am guilty of a few and now being cognizant of the turn-offs, I will seek remedy.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I think it's pretty well covered.

OH texting lol if you're going text me (vs email or PM) ... *sighs* text-friendly doesn't mean send me one word texts like 'hi/hey' or yo'/sup/whatsup' (if I don't write my ads that way what makes you think I want to talk in or read broken English) and other back & forth texts that have nothing to do with actually making an appt. Texting also doesn't kick any actual etiquette out the window....all I see is a number introduce yourself properly, tell me where you got my info from/saw my ads, etc in general use some good ol' common sense when communicating.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Definitely been covered! Nice job Lady Y!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
A couple more reasons:
Talking bad about other providers.
Shorting a lady.
trying to choke the girl with your tongue. GFE does not mean shove tongue in throat and keep it there. Not even your girlfriend is going to kiss you for a hour.
A couple more reasons:
Talking bad about other providers.
Shorting a lady.
trying to choke the girl with your tongue. GFE does not mean shove tongue in throat and keep it there. Not even your girlfriend is going to kiss you for a hour. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y

That last one made me spit out my water. I will say I'm not a big fan of wet kisses. I don't like the feeling of needing a towel to dry myself off if you're kissing my neck or other places besides my kitty.

I don't get why guys want to spend their time with a lady only to talk about another lady. Can someone explain that to me?

I have no problem talking to a client about another lady if its in the realm of referring him to someone who offers something I don't or if he's wanting to see me and I'm not available. But, some of y'all gossip big time.....grooming habits, comparing this lady to that lady, IQ levels (tis true).....just to name a few.
I agree with Elena, why talk about another Lady?
I want to spend my time with the Woman I'm with, giving her the passion and pleasure she desires and getting the same in return.