What's the best way to eat pu$$y?!

Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 02-11-2014, 11:45 AM
Cross posted from an interesting discussion in san antonio:


Curious what our local guys and gals think about this! My $. 02

Like others have said, each woman is different and for the ones that enjoy it, I enjoy finding out how THEY like it most... Sometimes just asking is the most direct route but I like to tease my way around the area first, moving my lips and tongue over (not on), lightly petting with my hand (no insertion), then finally lightly manipulating the clit and lips with my tongue to where I get the best reaction... Then adjusting the technique (kicking, flitting, etc) based on her subsequent reactions... If she's getting wet, clenching sheets, getting engorged, I've found the spot and techniques.

I really enjoy exploring what it is that a girl likes, paying attention to the signals and more than happy to ask for guidance. And yes, if you're lucky or skilled enough to bring then to climax, just sit back for a moment and admire your work! Women climax in so many different ways physically and vocally and I find not many things more beautiful and enjoyable than knowing I had a part in that Originally Posted by Netx9
Bigh1955's Avatar
How to eat a pussy? - I don't know. Start with her tail?

I like to start the warm up process a day in advance by telling the lady how much I'm looking forward to it, then reminding her a couple of times before we get together. You'd be surprized how just this can get her juices flowing.

Once the kissing and hugging starts, and the clothes start coming off - resist the urge to dive right in. Take your time! Nuzzle her neck and ears if she likes that stuff, then her breasts (and not just the nipples). Trust me. I'm working on her pussy without so much as running a finger across her pouting nectar soaked labia. Try a different path to her sweet spot, like getting behind her and kissing shoulders, then down her back. Take your time! It's not a race (unless you only sprung for 30 minutes. LOL) Try licking behind her knees, then nibbling up the back of her thighs to her gorgeous ass. I like gently biting those gorgeous ass cheeks. Not hard enough to hurt - but just enough that it gives her gooseflesh (Damn I miss KK's ass - and oh those goosebumps!).

If you've properly set the stage, your lady will be involuntaryily spreading her legs so you can get the mission done. This is when the tease is most effective. The tease comes in many forms, and is best if multiple teases are used - let the warmth of your breath soak her entire pussy, kiss the small indented curve of her tummy (below her belly and above her pubic mons), then move south, kissing above her clit. Gently take first one, then the other outer labia into your mouth and suck gently, pulling her open as you do so. Finally, using just the tip of your tongue, trace a soft line from her taint to her clit, allowing the moisture from your tongue to bath her inner labia and the frenum just below her clit. Return to starting point, and repeat...Lick her to your heart's content - but know that licking is still teasing. When you're ready - and trust me, she's ready at this point - suck her inner labia into your mouth and suck like you wanted to nurse on her, using your tongue to enhance the sucking. Slowly work your way north until your mouth is squarely over her clit. Don't be afraid to suck fairly hard. Her pussy is an amazing and damned rugged piece of equipment. She'll let you know if you need to back off. Whatever you do, when she grabs a handful of comforter - don't change anything!

Nina Hartley, a champion cock and clit sucker, often says "licking sucks and sucking rocks."

Try it. Your lady will appreciate it...and that my friends is why we do it!

Thanks for reading this edition of "Good Eats!"
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
If any of you have an answer to this then you don't know how to eat pussy!
If any of you have an answer to this then you don't know how to eat pussy! Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Ok. I freely admit I don't know how. Because I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

Care to elaborate?
Ok. I freely admit I don't know how. Because I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

Care to elaborate? Originally Posted by PFCffff
Maybe she's saying only another woman knows the best way to eat pussy?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Ok. I freely admit I don't know how. Because I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

Care to elaborate? Originally Posted by PFCffff
How can you know how to when every women is different and if you think you know how too then you are doing the same thing on every women and not ever women likes the same thing.
I have guys that like their dicks pulled on hard and their balls bitten. If I did that to someone else that doesn't like it it's not going to get him off.

We are all different and the right way is different for everyone. We have to ask, try different things and adjust what we do to fit the person we are with.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yeah I was too gentle on one gal's tits and she wanted them squeezed harder. Next gal said it hurt and "What the fuck?" I watched a video where a woman went down on another and I took mental notes. Damn if it didn't work in the field.
How can you know how to when every women is different and if you think you know how too then you are doing the same thing on every women and not ever women likes the same thing.
I have guys that like their dicks pulled on hard and their balls bitten. If I did that to someone else that doesn't like it it's not going to get him off.

We are all different and the right way is different for everyone. We have to ask, try different things and adjust what we do to fit the person we are with. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Ok....thats where I thought you were going but I wasn't sure. And I agree with you.

You can see the interpretation Boris got. If only girls know how to eat pussy, then only guys would know how to suck dick. (I reject both conclusions)
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-11-2014, 09:34 PM
MA, that may be one of the best GIFs I've ever seen.

Saved to my stash.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It certainly fits doesn't it.
Redwolf's Avatar
How can you know how to when every women is different and if you think you know how too then you are doing the same thing on every women and not ever women likes the same thing.
I have guys that like their dicks pulled on hard and their balls bitten. If I did that to someone else that doesn't like it it's not going to get him off.

We are all different and the right way is different for everyone. We have to ask, try different things and adjust what we do to fit the person we are with. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
This dispels a little the assumption that a woman is certainly going to be better at cunnilingus than a man. A woman may know what she likes, but her partner might like something else. Now if all women liked exactly the same thing, then it would stand that a woman should be better at going down on a woman.
Wearing a Lobster bib?
Gladiator69's Avatar
I pay attention to how she is reacting to what I'm doing as Lady Y is right, they are all different. There's a couple ladies on this Nebraska board that can tell you that I'm pretty good at it. Gia drowns me with her O's, Kay nearly broke my neck one time and another (name withheld due to retirement) Fell down after her knee's buckled after getting up to get a condom from the dresser. Of those 3 examples, let me say my approach and how I perform is different with each. What works for them, works for me and I have ALWAYS taken direction well. Most importantly, I have ALWAYS been rewarded for my efforts. Lady Y, come east to Iowa sometime and we will figure it out together!!
mbinlincoln's Avatar
I may be oversimplifying this, but I do think you need to use your tongue, lips, mouth and chin. Fingers may be optional.