Can our local constabulary be far behind?

NYPD is investigating the use of google glass. Among the many capabilities is the ability to immediately scan faces of people viewed and tie them back to social media platforms such as facebook.

OPD and NSP are currently scanning license plates. If they want to know where you've been, they can track you.

Has a provider you've seen been busted? Did they get your hobby phone number from her phone? Locations of cell phones can easily be triangulated from cell towers. They can track you. If your hobby phone stays in one location long enough, thats probably home.

Now, google glass. I think that if I were to really want to bust up the trade as LE, I would would stake out the more popular hotels. And just watch who comes and goes with my glasses on.

Boom! There's provider Ivanna Cumalotte! I can tell because she is unwise enough to show her face in her ads, or she's been previously arrested. Look! She's going into room 316!

Look! There's John J coming out of room 316. His Myspace page says he has a large gun collection. Look! There's Josh J coming out of room 316. His facebook page shows a lovely wife. Look! There's Jim J coming out of room 316. Funny, his eharmony page says he likes long walks in the rain!

You get my drift here. The cops now know the names of the hobbiests, and if they can tie a name, a place, and an observation together, that nice review you gave Ivanna is now an admission of guilt.

Maybe. Maybe not. I'm no lawyer.

But wait! There's more!

Suppose it's not LE wearing the glasses. Suppose its some self-righteous hypocritical community activist? When SHE/HE gets a hit on you, there's gonna be some interesting comments posted on your facebook page. Better have an explanation ready for your family.

I do not have a facebook page. I will never post another review again. is getting dangerous out here. Make sure your situational awareness is high.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I have had a lot of reviews done on me on here and elsewhere. They are purely fictional, I have never met any of the guys that have written them. I can't read the ROS so have no clue what they say there. So tell me how can they use them as prof. First they would have to prove they are true and the only way they are going to do that is if you tell them they are true or the lady says they are true. Then it is your word against hers which isn't very good evidence.
As for guys coming in and out of hotel rooms, they have to prove what you did in that room, thats why they use actual LE to do stings and not just some pissed provider going to the station saying here is a list of who I have seen bust them.
If you are smart you have a hobby phone in no name and you change the number often and when not in use the battery is out of it. Can't be tracked without a battery.
License plates park somewhere else and walk, take a cab.
Just my 2 cents
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  • 02-13-2014, 01:59 PM
I will never post another review again. Originally Posted by PFCffff
Don't you have to do something once to do it again?

I think you're stretching waaaay beyond the realm of probability. The local constabulary have a wide, multifaceted variety of other things to spend their time on. Even if they were that bored, their time will still be MUCH more effectively and efficiently spent ticketing people for jaywalking, rolling stops, improper turn signals, etc.

As Lady Y said, proving what went on BCD is awfully tough if everyone is smart enough to do what all the advice in the legal forum says to do. STFU!

As for the community activist, they can do it right now if they wanted to. They can just follow people or take pictures, no need to cyber-stalk or use the newest tech. So, John, Josh, and Jim, what were you doing in that hotel? That question alone, with a picture, could cause all sorts of problems for those who are married. Others, not so much.

The only thing I've ever heard of that even approaches this is that guy down in OKC (I think) that videotapes people who pick up SWs. And that's another whole level of low hanging fruit. I mean, if you're going to pick up a SW, at least be smart enough to go someplace inside, not just pull around the corner where Joe Camcorder can walk up and video Sheila SW bob up and down on the salami through the window of the freakin' car. (I personally think he does it for the voyeuristic thrill, mostly.)

In summary, I think the high-tech approach is a long way off, and even then, it will still be low on the priority list.

But don't let me dissuade you. By all means, let your paranoia run away with you.

Why is there not a tinfoil hat smiley?

Disclaimer 1) No, I do not intend to stop hobbying.

Disclaimer 2) Yes, I AM paranoid. The question is: "Am I paranoid enough???"

This was not posted to scare anyone off. As a civil libertarian I just wanted to open for discussion the topic of the ever increasing array of tools our elected officials are using against us. My main message? BE AWARE.

Using reviews as evidence.....ECCIE thread HERE:

The answer to the question "Can a thread be used as evidence" is "Yes, but it is not likely....."

If only you and Charley and Joe visit Ivanna Cumalotte, and you write a review, and then only you and Steve and Mike visit Anyah Johnson, and you write a review, and all the coming and goings have been observed and recorded using google glass.........

There is now a certain exclusivity to who is writing the review and when that may make it easier to use the review against you. Again, don't know. Just thinking out loud.

At the very least, I personally have chosen to no longer review and am eschewing social media sites. Unfortunately, there's that damned driver's license photo.....among others.

Am I the only guy that looks for cameras? I hope not.

And I look really goofy in ball caps, but I am looking at acquiring one or more of these:

As to taking the battery out of cellphones: that works for the old ones. For the new ones, you have to remove the second battery that powers the GPS function as well. That one is a little harder to get to.

12blue4u's Avatar
Reality check here. All things are budget related. Unless there is political gain/pressure, complaints, flaunting it in there face, underage provider etc LE is not going to have time or budget.
I would be more paranoid about hotel manager who wants to curry favor with LE and a provider who is not very discrete.
I would think if the local LE was serious about anything like that, they would just be here grabbing everyone's ip address and rounding up the usual suspects.

As mentioned above regarding budgets, every terrorist in the world will be dead before we need to worry about that.

Oh, by the way. I'm a virgin.
LNK's Avatar
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  • 02-13-2014, 04:30 PM
Disclaimer 1) No, I do not intend to stop hobbying. Originally Posted by PFCffff
I didn't suggest you should.

Disclaimer 2) Yes, I AM paranoid. The question is: "Am I paranoid enough???" Originally Posted by PFCffff
The real question is: Am I willing to accept the consequences if I'm caught? How really doesn't come into it. There always exists the possibility of being caught. Unless you don't do it, which also takes away the source of paranoia.

This was not posted to scare anyone off. As a civil libertarian I just wanted to open for discussion the topic of the ever increasing array of tools our elected officials are using against us. My main message? BE AWARE. Originally Posted by PFCffff
There's no evidence that our elected officials are using these tools against us, us being defined as the "hobby" community. However, being aware of them is not a bad thing, but the probability of their use in this scenario is very, very low.

Using reviews as evidence.....ECCIE thread HERE:

The answer to the question "Can a thread be used as evidence" is "Yes, but it is not likely....." Originally Posted by PFCffff
. . . at all.

If only you and Charley and Joe visit Ivanna Cumalotte, and you write a review, and then only you and Steve and Mike visit Anyah Johnson, and you write a review, and all the coming and goings have been observed and recorded using google glass.........

There is now a certain exclusivity to who is writing the review and when that may make it easier to use the review against you. Again, don't know. Just thinking out loud. Originally Posted by PFCffff
and again, the possibility of having someone staked out in a hotel to catch people going in/out of hotel rooms is very, very low. Approaching zero. Uncle Leo has so many, many other things to worry about.

At the very least, I personally have chosen to no longer review and am eschewing social media sites. Unfortunately, there's that damned driver's license photo.....among others. Originally Posted by PFCffff
I have to say, beyond this site, why would anyone who doesn't want everyone in the world knowing what they're doing use any kind of social network? And what does a driver's license photo have to do with anything?

Am I the only guy that looks for cameras? I hope not. Originally Posted by PFCffff
No, but you may be the only one that worries about them!

And I look really goofy in ball caps, but I am looking at acquiring one or more of these: Originally Posted by PFCffff
Just so you don't waste your money, make sure you are able to return it for a full refund when it doesn't work nearly as well as advertised, just like the license plate holders that are supposed to defeat the speed cameras. Better to just wear the ball cap, pull it down low, and look at the ground just beyond your feet.

As to taking the battery out of cellphones: that works for the old ones. For the new ones, you have to remove the second battery that powers the GPS function as well. That one is a little harder to get to. Originally Posted by PFCffff
Easier to put it in a Faraday cage.

KNOW YOUR TECHNOLOGY! Originally Posted by PFCffff
I'm not trying to rain on your parade, or pooh-pooh your warnings, but I don't believe our elected officials are even close to using these techniques to begin arresting/ticketing people. Their tried and true methods work well enough for them, and are hugely more efficient.

I really don't think you appreciate the amount of time (read: MONEY) that would have to go into doing the kind of operation you're talking about.

Even then, it won't be happening here in Podunk, USA before it starts to happen somewhere else, like Texas, where the hobby is much more widespread, and they've got a bigger sample to work on. And even then, the operation wouldn't be targeted on "us", it would be targeted on those who are involved in human trafficking and/or underage.
"Unless you don't do it, which also takes away the source of paranoia."

Perhaps this is not for me, then. Sorry to have raised folks dander. I meant no harm.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
"Unless you don't do it, which also takes away the source of paranoia."

Perhaps this is not for me, then. Sorry to have raised folks dander. I meant no harm. Originally Posted by PFCffff
Thank you for putting this up. We all need to be reminded that there are consequence so we don't get stupid/lazy. lol
ILuvNips's Avatar
"At the very least, I personally have chosen to no longer review and am eschewing social media sites. Unfortunately, there's that damned driver's license photo.....among others.

No need to quit now. It's all out there FOREVER. And don't bother with the special LED hat - they have built in micro video feeds to your county sheriff.
LNK's Avatar
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  • 02-13-2014, 10:09 PM
"Unless you don't do it, which also takes away the source of paranoia."

Perhaps this is not for me, then. Sorry to have raised folks dander. I meant no harm. Originally Posted by PFCffff
You raised no dander, I am not trying to shut off the conversation, I just am stating my opinion.

It's unfortunate that you won't do reviews, IMO. I truthfully don't think that reviews are going to come back and bite anybody in the ass anytime soon.

In the future, who knows? But as I said, the current tactics work fairly well for Uncle Leo. He catches the low hanging fruit, which he can then point at, and say, "Look, we're catching those miscreants!"

Until something changes rather radically, I don't believe that the Google Glass, face recognition issue will come into play in our world.

Can someone follow you or a provider, and then cause trouble? Sure, but they can do that now, with nothing more than a regular camera. But they'd have to be on the case pretty strongly in the first place.

PFC, I wish you the best, play safely, and may all the cameras you encounter be on the fritz.
Quantum007's Avatar
Just remember Chris Rock's rules for dealing with the police. Rule #1 Shut The F#$k Up!
Actually this is getting to be a concern even if you live a squeaky clean personal life. They can put a lot of circumstancial peaces together and make many innocent people look guilty of things they are not guilty of, just if you happen to be in the area when a crime was committed. Just depends on if they want to railroad you or not to say the " solved " a crime.
Phunster's Avatar
Thank you for putting this up. We all need to be reminded that there are consequence so we don't get stupid/lazy. lol Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Agreed. In days of yore, I was naive enough to use my real cell phone to conduct business with providers. Luckily, I got smart and started using alternate means (Google voice and anonymous cell phones) to communicate.

And just as you and other reputable providers screen, we should all be diligent, and choose to say no when something doesn't look quite right.