Messaging suddenly down to 200 allowed?

Joni HappyMassage's Avatar
What happened to my messaging? Can someone help?
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
I had the same issue.. had to delete all my old messages :/
Joni HappyMassage's Avatar
No way. That has to be a glitch. Somebody has to help!!
What's going on? I can't reply to any of my guys. 200 max messages allowed? I don't want to delete messages from the last 6 months so I can go back and reference previous communication.

gman44's Avatar
I have asked admin about this
Chung Tran's Avatar
I guess it's a Provider issue only.. no problem on my end.
Joni HappyMassage's Avatar
I have asked admin about this Originally Posted by gman44
Thank you gman because I've sent emails and posted and I'm getting no feedback. It's been 6 hours and I'm getting notices of messages that are being attempted
No bueno! Kind of hard to screen when I can't send messages to providers either.
I just looked and it changed from 200 max to 1000. Much better!