just had surgery...

Michelle Snow's Avatar
Hey everyone.... just wanted everyone to know that I did have an accident at work on Tuesday. I had surgery done Thursday. They put a plate and screws n my arm and shoulder. So I will not be dancing for awhile.... I am fine and recovering greatly... (did posting in weekend lineup)
. . .
Thanks everyone for everything! You guys have always been there for me.... and I hope that continues!
Timk48's Avatar
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Hope you get well and get back up on that pole. Lol
Super Head 713's Avatar
I Hope Everything Turn Out Good For you
Maybe you can give "Snow Days" a new meaning.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Wishing you a speedy recovery hon!
i hope you are feeling better soon. ��
Wakeup's Avatar
Those things have warning labels...

Occupational hazard I guess...hope you feel better soon beautiful!

Dorian Gray's Avatar
I picture more like any of the following....

Hanging on a pole ain't easy. Hope you get better soon.
tbone77494's Avatar
Hang in there. I know that was terrible. Seriously - get well soon. I still need to visit you soon.
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Wishing you a quick recovery to full strength...
We all want to see your pole routine... Lol
Michelle Snow's Avatar
Thanks everyone. I'm already feeling better pain wise. I can raise my arm to my boobs so far. They told me I will be back to normal in 4-8weeks... I don't think it will toke the full time... nothing has ever taken the full recovery time with me lol... please feel free to pm me as well
poppy71's Avatar
Feel better soon