It's Official !!! Senile Biden's RECESSION is Here !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Welcome to the Senile Biden Recession

BREAKING: The United States is now in a recession after 2 confirmed successive quarters of negative growth

Q1 GDP -1.4%
Q2 GDP -0.9%

With massive Inflation as a bonus!

One would think it’s difficult to destroy prosperity this quickly, but Senile Biden did it…

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden:

"Surprised" by "Unexpected" Taliban
"Surprised" by "Unexpected" Inflation
"Surprised" by "Unexpected" Gas Prices
"Surprised" by "Unexpected" Formula Shortages
"Surprised" by "Unexpected" Russian Invasion
"Surprised" by "Unexpected" Recession
... seems like a trend?
berryberry's Avatar
RECESSION: Democrat Policies Tank Economy

The year of disasters for Joe Biden and the Democrats who control Washington just got officially worse. The Commerce Department announced this morning that the economy shrank by an annualized 0.9% in the second quarter which ran from April through June. Coming on the heels of a 1.6% annual contraction in the first quarter, that confirms two successive quarters of economic decline—the standard definition of a recession.

The development makes official the economic misery that most Americans have been feeling since Joe Biden became president: out-of-control inflation, declining real wages, and a workforce disrupted by big government.

The news is also the latest reminder that our economic and political elite are clueless and dishonest.

Much more at;

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9% inflation during a recession.

Brought to you by the same Democratic geniuses who planned the Afghanistan retreat.

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It is unfathomable that, during the Senile Biden Recession, Democrats just agreed to …

Raise taxes

Spend more

Are they deliberately trying to further tank the economy?
berryberry's Avatar
And it's the 2nd one starting under a democratic president's term since 1950
berryberry's Avatar
Not happy about it the country being in a recession at all. I am simply pointing out the pure incompetence of Senile Biden and his fellow Democrats economic policies. Does reporting these facts bother you?
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden after OFFICIALLY putting America’s economy into a recession:

“Doesn’t sound like a recession to me!”

Senile Biden then runs away from reporters

It’s not a recession Berry. The definition has changed, this is just a “transitioning economy”… it’s all Putin’s fault. However I’ve noticed democrats finally criticizing Biden. Their new strategy is to blame biden for all the failures. Meanwhile the dude has zero clue what’s going on and just reading a teleprompter. He is following the agenda.
It is unfathomable that, during the Senile Biden Recession, Democrats just agreed to …

Raise taxes

Spend more

Are they deliberately trying to further tank the economy? Originally Posted by berryberry
I think you know the answer to that. The effects of the new reconciliation bill will not be fully apparent until after the new Republican-controlled Congress takes office after the midterms. The Dems know they have no chance in November, so they are setting things up for an economic collapse in 2023. Most voters are stupid and have short memories. When the REAL pain hits, the Dems and their media allies will be quick to remind them of what is different in 2023 vs 2022, namely that the GOP is now in control of Congress.
... The House-led Republicans can then CHANGE the new
Reconciliation bill - and slice and dice it fit the
current need... OR push another new bill altogether.

And when Trump is again elected by the voters in 2024
- He can work to repair the damage that Biden has brought
to the country.

IF you fellows do not like the Biden Economy - as most Americans don't
- then please remember "Elections DO have Consequences"...

#### Salty
Desantis 2024!
eyecu2's Avatar
Trump won't get elected again....for the 2nd time. There are many better contenders who will emerge who don't have all the drama and negative baggage to work with. That is, if the R's want to win. IMHO. If not, yea, let Trump run, and watch what happens.....again. Not saying that there is no reason to find an alternative to the current administration; but I'd also say- there are much better people who would likely not be as devisive, and have the ability to actually lead a country instead of just a party. It's not a unique story or comment but as it's been said, DEMs' fall in love , whereas, R's fall in line. I'd love to see the country's politics be less about covering their own ppls asses and more about leading the country in unison and to meet on areas where they can agree. How hard is that? I think the majority of people think that we need to enforce border crossings and maybe decide what the fuck to do with immigration and those laws. Hell, most of the people they catch who are losers/ or have records should be shown into some gulag style jail like a gitmo or the same. What I will say is that the current adminstration does even shittier than the last one, is poor communication. I've never seen such a fucking mess of the message. You'd think that a guy who's been in office for decades would figure out that you have to be in front of the public and press, every damn day and shouting every / any accomplishments. The denial of being silent or off message is really the undoing of this current incumbent. I don't miss Trump- but atleast his league of liars and producers of alternative facts, were good at their jobs.
berryberry's Avatar
It’s not a recession Berry. The definition has changed, this is just a “transitioning economy”… it’s all Putin’s fault. However I’ve noticed democrats finally criticizing Biden. Their new strategy is to blame biden for all the failures. Meanwhile the dude has zero clue what’s going on and just reading a teleprompter. He is following the agenda. Originally Posted by Loretta77
Yeah - the Libtards in DC think people are stupid. Well I guess they know the libtards that vote for them are stupid and believe anything they say. Meanwhile they try to gaslight the rest of the American public by trying to change the definition of a recession because they created one