Who is actually disrespecting the vets?

Sports players taking a knee, or republicans fist bumping after voting to prevent medical care for chemical-exposed veterans?

Republicans everywhere: Fuck you, I got mine.
I’m sure that’s exactly what is happening there. Good investigation haha
snoopy75's Avatar
Now list all the pork in the bill. I’ll wait.
berryberry's Avatar
The libtards tried to use a gimmick, changing some language in the bill to sneak a $400 Billion boondoggle completely unrelated to Veterans into this bill.

Thankfully a few sharp eye Republicans caught the libtards and exposed their scam

But of course the scumbag libtards are counting on their libtard voters who are not bright enough to understand what dirty trick they tried to pull to shout outrage like Jon Stewart did. SMH
snoopy75's Avatar
Exactly. Not traditional “pork” but basically a poison pill (Changing $400B discretionary spending to mandatory spending so it would not need to be reauthorized and could be spent for other purposes. ie Dem pet projects). Dems knew Reps would kill it and they could use it for political leverage on low information voters.
Libs eat it right up. No need for them to actually read what caused the bill to be rejected. They blindly follow the militant narrative because anyone who speaks out against the cult gets shamed.
Here's Newsweek even explaining why they rejected the bill.