Bill Clinton fucked Elizabeth Hurley?

The link:

Why couldn't he get caught with this actress instead of Monica? No one would have criticized him for banging Liz Hurley's brains out.

Hell, Hillary probably would have fucked her.

Fun quotes:
"That’s the explosive revelation dropped by the man who says he arranged the secret tryst, actor Tom Sizemore.
In a blockbuster exclusive, Radar has unearthed a secret audio recording during which the Hollywood actor, who had his own three-year sexual liaison with Hurley, recounts how the famously-frisky ex-President once sent a plane to fly Hurley to Washington D.C., where he bedded her in the White House — while First Lady Hillary was in the very next room!
On the tape, recorded in January of this year and provided to Radar and GLOBE in a joint investigation, 52-year-old Sizemore boasts to two pals about how he arranged the pair’s first rendezvous."

"When Sizemore confirmed they had dated but were no longer together, he says the President asked for her number.
Stunned at the suggestion, Sizemore admitted to being somewhat hesitant to dole out the digits, but claims Clinton insisted: “Give it to me. You dumb mother*****r, I’m the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America. The buck stops here. Give me the damn number.”
The actor obliged, but before dialing, he says the President was already covering his tracks, thinking of his oblivious and long-suffering wife Hillary in the other room.
“[Clinton] said, ‘I’m going to say I asked you about your uncle, Ted Sizemore, who played professional baseball,” Sizemore recalls. “That’s the lie. Don’t forget it.’”"

"Later, her recalled, “I asked her (Hurley), what was it like there? …I said was Hillary a problem? And she said ‘No, they sleep in different bedrooms.’”
“Bill said that, he intimated to Elizabeth that they have been, they’re in love,” Sizemore claims, “but they stopped [sleeping together] a long time ago and they both have separate romantic lives.”
As such, the steamy affair didn’t end after Hurley’s visit.
Sizemore says they kept in contact for a year, until Clinton ended the sexual shenanigans because he was falling deeply in love with the charming actress, 19 years his junior."

Now, I'm not saying it is true. Tom Sizemore has had some "issues" in his life.

But it sure SEEMS like Slick Willy, doesn't it?

If Bill and Hill had separate romantic lives, I wonder who Hillary was fucking?
Way to go Bill.

If you got to fuck 'Liz Hurley, you just moved to the front of the line.

Where's the review?
Kudos for Bill way to go.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 02-05-2014, 01:01 PM
The only bogus sounding thing in that whole story is labeling Bill's wife as "oblivious and long suffering."

She knew about all of his affairs and helped cover them up to protect their partnership. I'm sure she preferred their separate romantic lives as well. She had no interest in Bill's tiny dick since she had access to Janet Reno's more formidable masculinity.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now when do we get the story about Hllary fucking Hurley?

Never forget that Elizabeth Gracen, the actress, fled the country because of Clinton surveillance and the fear that she would go public at the wrong time. She gave up her career and ended up a Canadian citizen. She had a show, Highlander: The Raven.

poor hurley

the democrat war on women continues
poor hurley

the democrat war on women continues Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
If a democrat fucked her it is different than a republican pimping her out.
JCM800's Avatar
This story would have a lot more cred if it wasn't from Tom Sizemore.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Who hasn't fucked her.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2014, 09:22 PM
I was going to fuck her until I found out TheDaliLama did!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I haven't! I had my chance but I had to work that night....
She's on my "to do" list after Betty White.
y'all are such liars

you'd be finished as you were driving to meet her, if not sooner
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, ya got me.... I did her last summer but I didn't want anyone here to think she was a whore.