Hillary sure can pick-em.

He's from Bengahzi... no shit


February 3, 2014, - 8:48 am

Musab Mohamed Masmari EXCLUSIVE: Muslim Arsonist of Gay Club Was Obama State Dept Arab Cultural Ambassador! Feds: Terrorism

By Debbie Schlussel

*** bumped up from yesterday, February 2, 2014 @3:48 p.m. ET ***

A Muslim charged with and videotaped pouring gasoline on a gay club and setting it on fire was an “Arab Cultural Ambassador” for the State Department when it hosted visiting Iraqi “journalists” in Seattle. Quick, somebody alert 50 Cent that it’s time to update “In Da Club.” In Al-Klub, Habibi.

Anti-Gay Arsonist/State Dept 9/11 Arab Cultural Ambassador, Musab Masmari Posin’ . . .

Anti-Gay Arsonist/State Dept 9/11 Arab Cultural Ambassador, Musab Masmari Pourin’ Da Gasoline . . .

While the left and gays are constantly harping on “the Christian Right,” they continue to turn a blind eye to the group that’s really a danger to them: Muslims. I’ve said this time and again. And so it goes with Musab Mohamed Masmari, a Muslim identified and charged with setting fire to a Seattle gay club on New Year’s Eve, after he doused the place with gasoline. Boom! lalalalalalalaallahuFUBAR. The Joint Terrorism Task Force is involved in the investigation because IT. IS. TERRORISM. Islamic terrorism, to be exact. And what’s so interesting is that this guy was a “9/11 Arab Cultural Ambassador” FOR THE STATE DEPARTMENT(!) helping out Iraqi journalists who came to America! Alhamdillullah [praise allah].

I checked the guy’s Facebook profile page (join me on Facebook), and guess what? He’s from Benghazi, Libya. What is he doing here? Was he one of those Libyans to whom Obama and Janet Napolitano gave Temporary Protected Status here when Qaddafi was still in power and Obama was supporting the Al-Qaeda forces against him? Betcha he is. Also, I’m a “3rd Degree” LinkedIn connection to this jihadi (connect with me on LinkedIn). Not sure why (and that’s chilling). If you can get onto his LinkedIn page, please send me a screen shot.

Sat Feb 01 16:07:40 PST 2014
Suspect arrested in arson at Neighbours nightclub
Seattle Police arrested 30-year-old Musab Masmari Saturday morning in connection with the arson at Neighbours on January 1. view full article
Seattle police arrested Musab Mohamed Masmari this morning in association with the New Year’s Eve arson at Neighbours nightclub, says Detective Mark Jamieson. The Seattle Police Department’s Arson/Bomb Squad had been working with a joint terrorism task force since the incident occurred in the early minutes of January 1, when someone poured gasoline down a flight of stairs in the packed gay bar and lit it ablaze. All 750 patrons escaped without injury. . . .

Police say that Masmari, 30, was apprehended today outside of Seattle while he was traveling to Sea-Tac Airport. Detectives then interviewed Masmari and booked him into King County Jail this afternoon as a suspect in the arson investigation. The soonest Masmari would make a court appearance is Monday, according to Jamieson, who says police would “like to thank the public for their tips.”

From the 911 Media Arts Center–some sort of Muslim and/or leftist propaganda outfit to make us “understand” the “greatness” of Muslims and how they were the real victims of 9/11 terrorism and other dog poop endorsed by both the Obama and Bush Islamo-pandering State Departments:

A delegation of Iraqi journalists and media professionals visited 911 Media Arts Center’s offices yesterday morning as part of an ongoing program through the World Affairs Council and the US Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). During the meeting 911 Media director Steven Vroom presented the workings of the organization to the group and fielded questions via two Arabic translators.

The discussion primarily centered around the financial and practical workings of the organization, particularly the non-profit model in general and the income sources for a charitable new media center in an environment with little to no government funding for the arts. The concept of a community-driven media arts organization, and the idea of empowering individual voices through access and education, in the context of media independent from commercial or political interests was also discussed.

Seattle resident Musab Masmari, a Libyan/US citizen, was also in attendance to act as a cultural ambassador on behalf of 911 Media Arts Center for the Arabic speaking visitors.

911 Media Arts Center has participated in several of these visits via the World Affairs Council over the last three years presenting a working overview of new media not-for-profit funding and administration to individual delegations of international visitors.

Hey, let’s hear it for the State Department. They sure know how to pick ‘em. New State Department organization: Arsonists of Gay Clubs for International Understanding of Muslims in America.

Oh, and remember: if you liked Hillary Clinton’s anti-gay, arsonist “cultural ambassadors” when she was Secretary of State, you’ll looooove her choices when she’s Prez.

Hey, another fabulous alien that Obama and the Republicans want to “bring out from the shadows” and give amnesty to. Moumtaz [Excellent]!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh those fun loving pranksters the Muslims.
Truly a religion of peace and tolerance.......almost as bad as those idiots at the WBC.
At least they only protest at funerals of our heroes and dont try to burn gays alive.

Talking about a dysfunctional government that is so far out of control it will take a major change to even attempt to get it moving toward a semblance of control.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Always remember, diversity is a strength. What's funny is what all the immigrants think about gay rights, and gays, being good liberals, welcome immigration of the very people who wish to hang them by the neck until dead.
Always remember, diversity is a strength. What's funny is what all the immigrants think about gay rights, and gays, being good liberals, welcome immigration of the very people who wish to hang them by the neck until dead. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The Left has always been enamoured with socialist governments, even those that are true totalitarian dictatorships.

They are too damned stupid to understand that the first people who are "stood against the wall" in these society's are those of the liberal persuasion.

Remember all through the Cold War years how the Left said that our freedom loving society was not "better" than those of the Soviets, East Germans, Chinese, etc, just "different".