And so the witch hunts begin...

From Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing:

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) praised Sessions' introduction of a resolution demanding federal obscenity laws be "vigorously enforced throughout the United States." Hatch also cited the Utah legislature's resolution declaring pornography as a "public health problem," and asked if Sessions' still believes anti-obscenity laws should be "vigorously enhanced." Sessions said he would consider reconstituting a special Justice Department unit to prosecute obscenity laws.

It's not just Backpage. It appears we are about to enter a new era of attempts to legislate morality not seen since the likes of Ed Meese. Not too surprising given that Meese is on Trump's transition team...
Hot Summer's Avatar
Hi ho hi ho its job hunting I go hahaha
Danielle Reid's Avatar
It's only illegal if you get caught

So don't get caught...
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Y'all who voted for Trump got royally pwned.

Frankly, I'm enjoying my schadenfreude, since it's about the only joy I have left.


Hi ho hi ho its job hunting I go hahaha Originally Posted by hot summer
As long as you still hobby part time UTR! I'd still love a round two at some point
Hot Summer's Avatar
Oh I will babe and round two sounds great
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Oh please, hooking ain't going anywhere

Survival of the fittest. I'll still be here when the rest of y'all run away crying
If I live in a socialist controlled country and have no job how do I buy a BJ ?
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 01-12-2017, 08:31 AM
You barter comrade. Maybe some gift cards, I think a thread shows they are acceptable currency.
I would be down to food stamp barter if obama/hillary system stayed around I want to know how to grab pussy like trump!
cluefinder's Avatar
The only ones getting owned by Trump at this time is CNN. Hahaha

Although they have shut down the Adult section of Backpage everybody has posted on the Backpage dating section. Didn't really slow too many providers down......I wouldn't think. In my opinion, the closing of Backpage could be a small blessing in disguise. With minimal sites to post provider adds it would in turn cause or force new talent to create a profile here on EECIE. Its a win win for everyone.
  • cboat
  • 01-12-2017, 03:38 PM
I wasn't aware that the new administration was in place yet. What ever is going on now is under Obama. They have had their annual busts and such for years. Gotta' make a public showing now and then.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 01-12-2017, 08:29 PM
I wasn't aware that the new administration was in place yet. What ever is going on now is under Obama. They have had their annual busts and such for years. Gotta' make a public showing now and then. Originally Posted by cboat
Well then let me inform you. the NEW 115th Congress, Republican controlling both houses started Jan 3, 2017 and they are in full action mode.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Nominees are saying whatever at this point to get appointed. Remember, DJT was talking about grabbing chicks im the crotch. IMHO I would worry about next months rent more than speculation about what if...