Dementia Joe is a vegetable and his minions fuck up everything they touch

Next Best Thing's Avatar

Also embarrassing is board stalwarts like JB being ludicrously banned.

What is this world coming to?
agree and agree
offshoredrilling's Avatar

thanks oeb11

thanks oeb11 Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Biden is as numb as a cunt full of Novacaine
We all should have known that at thread title as dumb as this one would have resulted in a posting as dumb as the above one.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Wow spam-free thread until brazil lost control of himself.
lilylivered's Avatar
I agree with Brazil - stupid post
Both of them should have had arms in their backs....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I agree with Brazil - stupid post
Both of them should have had arms in their backs.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
brazil take notice - above post is proof positive that you can be thought provoking and reasonable and an ml at the same time.

lilylivered's Avatar
Well thanks pooh bear, I think....
I bet Biden doesn't have the stones to follow in JFK's footsteps

All the President’s Yes-Men
JFK remade his decision-making process after the Bay of Pigs
debacle. Biden could learn something.

What we have here is groupthinck on steroids.....

White House infighting can be a bad thing. But when advisers refuse to disagree with the president, an administration can be at risk of groupthink. The history of the U.S. presidency has shown that this can lead to disaster. We now see how fear of disagreement with President Biden doomed the decision-making process for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
I'm pretty sure there are no Dims smart enough to do this.....
I bet Biden doesn't have the stones to follow in JFK's footsteps Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
or to "negotiate" with those freaks in the only language they understand.

"If I were president, and I had put our country into the current situation in Afghanistan, I would tell America, our allies, our enemies, and the world, something like this…"
What Are Joe Biden’s Fixed Principles?
A crisis reveals a president with little introspection and even less penetration into the world’s problems.

What does Joe Biden believe? He is a rosary-carrying Catholic who is all right with abortion, allowing politics to swamp theology. Having run for president as the centrist candidate, he straightaway proposed a slate of wildly progressive programs. Does he really believe in the efficacy of these programs, or has he decided he would like to inscribe himself in history as the 21st century’s Franklin D. Roosevelt ? Can a man without discernible beliefs be counted on, say, to defend Israel or any other of America’s allies should the need arise? Who can say?

The problem with a politician having no known beliefs is that it becomes difficult to believe him on nearly any subject apart from those touching on his own self-interest. This becomes especially so in the age of the speechwriter, when a politician is no longer the author of words for which he is held fully responsible. In his public appearances, Mr. Biden, who is properly chary of giving press conferences lest he lapse into one of his infamous gaffes, has come more to resemble the puppet in a ventriloquist’s act.
After more than 40 years in politics, Mr. Biden hasn’t been proven anything other than being in business for himself....

And if you need access to him.... all ya gotta di is buy a half a million dollar painting from the brand new up and coming artiste....
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
You trying to talk politics on a whore board. What do you expect? Come on now.

Go banter on Reddit or Youtube with your bullshit.
You trying to talk politics on a whore board. What do you expect? Come on now.

Go banter on Reddit or Youtube with your bullshit. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
I guess some people don't read the description of each section...