Something New Happened Today...

During my noon appointment, everything was going fine when my client got violently ill, 45 minutes into our 60 minute session. After 20 minutes, and second trip to my bathroom, I had a cold cloth on his neck, trying to cool him off while he was nude, and I'm holding his head over my bathtub..

It was just so bad, that as soon as I could, I drove him over to Breckenridge Emergency Room. I hung around and waited until he was admitted and stable. It turned out to be food poisoning, most likely from his late breakfast (McDonalds). I've had food poisoning before, and if you've never had it, when it's bad, it's bad. All you want to do is die, almost preying for it, every 20 minutes! There's just nothing you can do.

I went home, and bleached out my bathroom. A few hours later, he called to tell me he was home and much better. He apologized for the mess, and to thank me for my kindness. He's just such a lovely man, I was so thankful he was okay and it wasn't a heart attack or something worse. I also have to admit, it also had me a bit shaken up after everything was over.

It got me wondering, if another Provider has faced a medical emergency during an appointment.
How did you handle it?
Typhon100's Avatar
Mia Christine,

I'm not a provider and just another client.

I hope that I didn't sound too callous, about just another client!

I simply wanted to thank you from a client to a beautiful lady, which stayed calm, took appropriate actions, stayed at a hospital (even though you didn't have to), and beyond to care for another person.

What you did, really shows what type of woman you truly are inside. I just wanted to sincerely thank you for our actions.

To stay on topic; I did just the opposite as you did; but for a two separate providers when I lived in the Far East. One provider had food poisoning that you mentioned and I couldn't agree with you more! The other provider had an bleeding ulcer, that ulcerated shortly before our session, and came into full effect when we were meeting each other, and she was actually vomiting blood.

I took both ladies to the hospital, stayed with them until they were stabilized. I then left the hospital and returned the next day, and for three days after for the second woman.

Being a patient in the Far East is far different than in the West. Families generally bring food for the patients, and since neither woman had a family,: I brought their food for them, and of course under under a physicians diet recommendations. Since they both were ladies; I made sure that I brought flowers for their room, and made small talk to take their mind off their pain.

On a lighter note, the second girl was admitted and was forced to wear a hospital nightgown, which she complained about. I'm not trying to one up you Christine. This is when I realized for the first time how much a woman cares about her looks even in a hospital. I went shopping and using my "keen, male fashion sense!" I selected a very nice nightgown for her; IMHO. She was extremely grateful, wore it immediately, and not one complaint of color either!. For my remaining two years in Korea, when she was unoccupied; I got called, and only had to buy the food/dinner for us.

I suspect that this man will be the same, and will come back to you. Men love nurses which care for them!

I will be interested also, in seeing other providers stories.
Why on earth would you post your p411 ID on this site? You are compromising yourself! Are you aware someone could use that to make appointments and do stuff to irreparably damage your ability to hobby. And you wouldn't have use of p411 after that!
Typhon100's Avatar
Why on earth would you post your p411 ID on this site? You are compromising yourself! Are you aware someone could use that to make appointments and do stuff to irreparably damage your ability to hobby. And you wouldn't have use of p411 after that! Originally Posted by rocketride
Done! Thanks again RR
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
close to this time two years ago I had a pretty scary thing happen while out at dinner with a client he was acting funny....stuttering..confused. ..unable to speak at times...this kept happening in lapses the 3rd time it happened I asked him to smile and he could not (I remembered that was one of the signs) so I pretty much threw him in the car and flew to the ER as he was having a stroke..Hindsight I should have called an ambulance but I didnt think just acted..I spent 8 hrs in the er with him.... He has no family in Texas so I passed my self off as his niece who was just connecting with that side of the family so I didnt know any medical history He is fine now thankfully

I simply wanted to thank you from a client to a beautiful lady, which stayed calm, took appropriate actions, stayed at a hospital (even though you didn't have to), and beyond to care for another person.

What you did, really shows what type of woman you truly are inside. I just wanted to sincerely thank you for our actions.

Thank You!

Vicky- I'm so glad you had your wits about you. Good grief! You're a Super Hero!
I hope I can act as quick and effectively as you did if I'm ever in that situation....
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-09-2012, 03:47 PM
Thank you Mia for being a human being and thank your client for being a gentleman to you or this might have ended differently. Everyone should follow "The Golden Rule" do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
In general I think it's a sad sign when we have to recognize someone doing what should be "the right thing". But this is different since you're in danger of exposing what you do. What you did, IMnsHO, falls somewhere between the guy who calls 911 when he sees somebody puking up blood and Capt Sully. (We're leaving CMoH in a totally different category).

What happens in situations like this is more emotional bravery than physical.

Guys, ask yourself this. If what happened to Mia happened to you, would you drive her to the ER or call 911 and wait? Or would you call 911 and when you heard the bus pull up prop the door open and split?
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-10-2012, 10:45 AM
Guys, ask yourself this. If what happened to Mia happened to you, would you drive her to the ER or call 911 and wait? Or would you call 911 and when you heard the bus pull up prop the door open and split? Originally Posted by austin_voy
Good question, most would walk the other way sad, but true. poisoning...

That service could be coined:

1. Rub and ambulance ride.

2. Tug and Puke.

3. Rub and wretch.

4. Porcelain Squishy.

5. Pukey Ending.

6. L911 service offered (LOL)

The list is endless. I make "light" of this since it hit me with humor. Sorry to offend.

What Mia did was unreal and I would have done the same thing in any circumstance where someone is in medical distress of any kind.

Moral: Do not eat before an appointment. Glad this one turned out okay.

BS poisoning...

That service could be coined:

1. Rub and ambulance ride.

2. Tug and Puke.

3. Rub and wretch.

4. Porcelain Squishy.

5. Pukey Ending.

6. L911 service offered (LOL)

The list is endless. I make "light" of this since it hit me with humor. Sorry to offend.

What Mia did was unreal and I would have done the same thing in any circumstance where someone is in medical distress of any kind.

Moral: Do not eat before an appointment. Glad this one turned out okay.

BS Originally Posted by BananaStan
Wait! I made sure to admit him, and that he was stable before I left!
That's at least an L2!