Missing Photo's

Reincarnated's Avatar
The last day or so and this morning many photo's and photo files are missing from the site. What's up with that?
fun2come's Avatar
Very annoying ... need to see if this has been reported already, IF not, I will ....
Phewww glad its not just me... been dealing with everything of mine being hacked and hijacked over the last week... I Had to start all over. Then this started happening and my first thought was... "not again" lol
fun2come's Avatar
yup it's pretty much site wide. As I said in Natl. Forum:
time for a break and one "that sucks".
Yes it's reported if the mods ever get to answering it ! It's only the attached photos , not ones from host sites !
fun2come's Avatar
Well, that one really sucked, BUT its all good now :-)