Wife Chops Off Her Husband's Penis Because He Refuses To Have Sex With Her


A wife slashed her husband's penis off in Uganda after he refused to have sex with her as punishment for her continuous heavy drinking.

Beatrice Acen, 35, returned home plastered at 10pm on June 30 and proceeded to demand sex from her husband, Moses Okot, a 46-year-old peasant farmer.

Mr Okot said that he had returned home from hunting during the day, eaten and gone to sleep when his wife attacked him.

On her return to the house she called out to him to open the door for her.

He was already asleep and awoke to 'find my pants wetted with blood,' he said.

Mrs Acen is now on the run, according to the Daily Monitor.

The victim believes that his wife resorted to this drastic measure due to his longstanding method of punishing her for her 'alcoholism.'

'As a man, I would no longer tolerate such, so I decided to deny her sex with hope that she would reform,' he said.

This is not the first time that Mrs Okot got physical when her husband denied her advances, the report claimed.

The chairman of the village where the couple live is quoted as saying: 'Last year, she broke this man’s collar bone during a domestic fight and ran away.'

Very tragic story but also a life lesson: if you don't satisfy your wife, you're in for some trouble!
Randall Creed's Avatar
But if it was the other way around, the guy would be deemed a psycho pervert who can't take no for an answer.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Right here its the Me too shit ,,,,
Randall Creed's Avatar
I think it goes beyond Me Too. Almost all guys want sex just about all the time, but we can't just wear it on our sleeve how horny we are. The stereotypical notion is that guys are just simply supposed to deal with rejection at face value (no means no) without question.

Women, in many cases, not all, but many, don't get treated the same when it comes to sexual rejection. If she wants it, and the guy doesn't...ohhh, something's wrong with the guy.

Cutting off a man's dick isn't cute or funny. It's a fucking felony, punishable by prison time and maybe even some therapy.
DallasRain's Avatar
Question is why the guy was still with her after she already broke his collar bone. Guy must be stupid to piss her off and then go off to sleep.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Why are there so many women so eager and willing to chop men's bananas off?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Question is why the guy was still with her after she already broke his collar bone. Guy must be stupid to piss her off and then go off to sleep. Originally Posted by Dudgeonpolymath
if you asked the same question about a woman, "why does she stay with him after he did XXX to her"?, you would be labelled an insensitive Mother Fucker
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 08:13 AM
Happened in Uganda
UK and US mores and laws do not apply
Happened in Uganda
UK and US mores and laws do not apply Originally Posted by oeb11
True but I've read several different news stories of American women becoming violent because their boyfriend/husband refused to have sex with them. A few stories from Florida and one from Ohio too. In one case, the woman returned home drunk (just like the Uganda incident) and became so violent when she was denied sex that the man had to lock himself in the bathroom and call 911.

So this is something that seems to happen all over the world. The takeaway message seems to be that communication is crucial to a successful relationship and if either partner isn't sexually satisfied, it will invariably lead to problems.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I never had a woman get p o at me for not wanting to have sex with me. They usually get p o at me for wanting to have sex with them. Where do I find a woman that doesn't say NO to sex and I don't have to compensate her for having sex with me?
I never had a woman get p o at me for not wanting to have sex with me. They usually get p o at me for wanting to have sex with them. Where do I find a woman that doesn't say NO to sex and I don't have to compensate her for having sex with me? Originally Posted by LuvHerMadlyEverytime

Plenty of women in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, East Asia, and Southeast Asia love white men. Millions of white men travel to those places every year for sex. Not hard to find a girlfriend or friend with benefits and have free sex.
Authorities might want to check the local taxidermists.
Brandofan's Avatar
Authorities might want to check the local taxidermists. Originally Posted by Prolongus
LOL now that's the line of the day! You sir win an Internet!