I Could Post Many More! If You Don't Get It By Now, Then...

SEE3772's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK, SEE. I get it. Now please quit bumping two year old threads.

We ALL get it.
SEE3772's Avatar
OK, SEE. I get it. Now please quit bumping two year old threads.

We ALL get it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Those threads prove that the war on terror is bullshit!
Funded by borrowed money, QE, our taxes and future taxes!
Now what are you going to do? Keep voting and supporting our so called elected and non-elected leaders who engineered the whole thing?
lustylad's Avatar
Hey SEE3772. I've got an idea. Go visit Raqqa and tell ISIS you're an American journalist. When they put you in an orange robe and march you out into the desert, you can scream "the war on terror is bullshit" while they slit your throat.

Now what are you going to do?
SEE3772's Avatar
Hey SEE3772. I've got an idea. Go visit Raqqa and tell ISIS you're an American journalist. When they put you in an orange robe and march you out into the desert, you can scream "the war on terror is bullshit" while they slit your throat.

Now what are you going to do? Originally Posted by lustylad
It's bullshit because our so called leaders funded and armed them.
Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISL, IS... (Or who knows tomorrow?)... same group, would not be able to do the things they do without their support and blessings. Now the president wants to fund, again Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISL, IS... same group... To fight and destroy Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISL, IS... same group! And you like a lot of people are ignorant, not informed and will travel down this beyond Orwellian hellhole with them! Not me... You have fun!
LexusLover's Avatar
And you like a lot of people are ignorant, not informed and will travel down this beyond Orwellian hellhole with them! Not me... You have fun! Originally Posted by SEE3772
Which "road" are you going to take?
SEE3772's Avatar
Which "road" are you going to take? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The road I've been on since I was 23 in the mid 90s.
Stopped voting left just because my whole family WERE lefties.
Started reading and thinking for myself!
Learned almost everything I was taught in HS civics class and in college was a lie.
Also learned there's really no difference between the left and the right.
Most vote and support for more wars of aggression and for more debt which leads to more fear less freedoms!
No one is all knowing but...
I have informed a lot if people.
They no longer vote for or support known criminals.
Thanks to all those before me, with me and for all those after me!
And where I live it's not easy to inform people about the truth!
Everyone in my neck of the woods hates Obama.... Most think
a Jeb Bush or Rick Perry will save them!
lustylad's Avatar
It's bullshit because our so called leaders funded and armed them.
Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISL, IS... (Or who knows tomorrow?)... same group, would not be able to do the things they do without their support and blessings. Now the president wants to fund, again Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISL, IS... same group... To fight and destroy Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISL, IS... same group! And you like a lot of people are ignorant, not informed and will travel down this beyond Orwellian hellhole with them! Not me... You have fun! Originally Posted by SEE3772

You are completely full of shit. Over the past 3 years, Obama repeatedly considered - and ruled out - arming the Free Syrian Army. Now he has belatedly changed his mind and wants to help the FSA. The FSA is not al queda or ISIS, you fucking idiot. Al queda was the architect of the 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans. We have never given them our "support and blessings" and we never will. It is ludicrous for anyone to make such a suggestion.

On another thread you spew utter nonsense about 9/11 and desecrate the memory of its victims. So let's connect your dots. You think our "so called leaders" perpetrated 9/11 to justify a war on terror against the people you say we are now funding and arming. Yeah, that makes sense.

You are a complete dipshit. You spew so many loony conspiracy theories that you don't even know when you stumble and contradict yourself. Conspiracy theorists are a bunch of nuts, yet even in this milieu you stand out as the stupidest of the stupid. Go get a lobotomy, you fucktard, it can only improve your thinking.

SEE3772's Avatar
You are completely full of shit. Over the past 3 years, Obama repeatedly considered - and ruled out - arming the Free Syrian Army. Now he has belatedly changed his mind and wants to help the FSA. The FSA is not al queda or ISIS, you fucking idiot. Al queda was the architect of the 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans. We have never given them our "support and blessings" and we never will. It is ludicrous for anyone to make such a suggestion.

On another thread you spew utter nonsense about 9/11 and desecrate the memory of its victims. So let's connect your dots. You think our "so called leaders" perpetrated 9/11 to justify a war on terror against the people you say we are now funding and arming. Yeah, that makes sense.

You are a complete dipshit. You spew so many loony conspiracy theories that you don't even know when you stumble and contradict yourself. Conspiracy theorists are a bunch of nuts, yet even in this milieu you stand out as the stupidest of the stupid. Go get a lobotomy, you fucktard, it can only improve your thinking.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I come with links you come with insults.
I've seen and talked to your kind many many times.
Sure you won't be the last.
After you calm down go read, listen and learn...
lustylad's Avatar
I come with links you come with insults. Originally Posted by SEE3772
Are you so retarded that you can't even see how Conspiracy Theory A contradicts Conspiracy Theory B?

Once again, you believe 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by our leaders to justify a war on terror (Conspiracy Theory A) against people you claim our leaders are funding and arming (Conspiracy Theory B). Go ahead and explain how that makes any sense, dipshit.

There are hundreds of links out there discrediting your nonsense. Read them and learn. And stop preying on the gullible. You discredit yourself by pedaling mutually contradictory theories.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-11-2014, 02:34 PM
Also learned there's really no difference between the left and the right.
Most vote and support for more wars of aggression and for more debt which leads to more fear less freedoms!
! Originally Posted by SEE3772

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-11-2014, 02:36 PM
Are you so retarded that you can't even see how Conspiracy Theory A contradicts Conspiracy Theory B?

Once again, you believe 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by our leaders to justify a war on terror (Conspiracy Theory A) against people who you claim our leaders are funding and arming (Conspiracy Theory B). Go ahead and explain how that makes any sense, dipshit.

There are hundreds of links out there discrediting your nonsense. Read them and learn. And stop preying on the gullible. You discredit yourself by pedaling mutually contradictory theories.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
If he is only half right....then our government is still fucking us by burying us in debt with these endless wars.
SEE3772's Avatar
Are you so retarded that you can't even see how Conspiracy Theory A contradicts Conspiracy Theory B?

Once again, you believe 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by our leaders to justify a war on terror (Conspiracy Theory A) against people who you claim our leaders are funding and arming (Conspiracy Theory B). Go ahead and explain how that makes any sense, dipshit.

There are hundreds of links out there discrediting your nonsense. Read them and learn. And stop preying on the gullible. You discredit yourself by pedaling mutually contradictory theories.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The CFR, The State Department, The Treasury Department.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Foreign MSM... Etc. Interviews with Obama
talking about funding Al Qaeda, Romney, H. Clinton....etc. our own military....
on and on and on!
Are these the conspiracy theories you speak about?

Like I said once you calm down go check out the information.
lustylad's Avatar
The CFR, The State Department, The Treasury Department.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Foreign MSM... Etc. Interviews with Obama
talking about funding Al Qaeda, Romney, H. Clinton....etc. our own military....
on and on and on!
Are these the conspiracy theories you speak about?

Like I said once you calm down go check out the information. Originally Posted by SEE3772

So are you too cowardly to even ATTEMPT to explain the contradiction I pointed out? If you genuinely believe a) 9/11 was perpetrated by our leaders to justify a war on terror and b) our leaders are "funding and arming" the terrorists in this war, why not say so and explain the contradiction?

Now you're going even further off the deep end. I defy you to find a single link to the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times stating that the US government knowingly funded or armed al queda. I am not talking about Qatar or Saudi Arabia or weapons intended for the FSA falling into the hands of militants.

And while you're at it, go ahead and post links to those interviews where you claim Obama, Romney, and Hillary Clinton all came out in support of US government funding of al queda. I will be happy to "check out the information" for you.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The road I've been on since I was 23 in the mid 90s.
Stopped voting left just because my whole family WERE lefties.
Started reading and thinking for myself!
Learned almost everything I was taught in HS civics class and in college was a lie.
Also learned there's really no difference between the left and the right.
Most vote and support for more wars of aggression and for more debt which leads to more fear less freedoms!
No one is all knowing but...
I have informed a lot if people.
They no longer vote for or support known criminals.
Thanks to all those before me, with me and for all those after me!
And where I live it's not easy to inform people about the truth!
Everyone in my neck of the woods hates Obama.... Most think
a Jeb Bush or Rick Perry will save them! Originally Posted by SEE3772

I personally do not think our government was behind or fully knew about the 9-11 attacks, but I am damn certain we do not know the truth about that day. There's a reason we don't know. The government, for some reason, does not want us to know.