Hooker boards are going down y’all. Time to look for new ways to hobby.
I am sure I’m not the only one reading the main board. If you are not aware of what’s going on you could be blindsided by the effect the new laws are already having on the sex industry. Other sites have already removed provider ads. It’s just a matter of time before this one follows. No more online “shopping” for providers or keeping up with your favorites via online hooker boards.
Imagine this: you get up one morning and want to see who is in town, who is coming to town, perhaps read some reviews or ask other hobbyist about a provider they may have seen or just make sure she (or he) is legitimate or safe and you get online to visit your go-to site and it is no more. This is basically what is going to happen according to the most experienced and informed hobbyists and providers on eccie. Oh the times they are a changin’. Lists are being made, Providers are changing their email addresses from .com domains to .ch domains that are not owned/operated out of the US. Exit strategies are happening. Get ready. Educate yourself. It APPEARS that many providers will have to find another occupation. Particularly those that are not well established or not paying attention.
P411 —- if you don’t have an account with P411 you should get one. They are not operated out of the US. (Ladies and gents both). For now. This might prove to be no more than a blip on the radar but that’s not likely according to those that are researching the new laws/bills. The cost of doing business and the risk factor is going to increase for providers. Sadly.
So y’all read up! Happy hunting while you still can.
In the meantime, i am comprising a list of providers for the area. SBC, East Texas, Texarkana, etc.
Ladies, if you wish to be on the list please send me a pm or an email with your info. If you visit regularly and are not from this area you are invited as well.
Any better suggestions please feel free to share. Remember discretion. Some info/ideas may be better shared privately. Think before ink.
Nice post. Thank you.
My recommendation, a private forum which retains no identifying personal information including ip and user agent info hosted with a vps provider that takes bitcoin.
Nice !! Hope everyone reads this
Jus hope my locals don’t change they numbers.
Or leave the hobby. Times are hard enough already.
Damn divorce, left for a few months, alimony, and now this! Seems a man jus can’t catch a break!
What’s next?
Thanks for the heads up. I have been watching some of the legislation going through and figured some measures would come about. Guess imma trusting hookers and horn dogs to cifer a way around all the govt BS. Like always.
Man is going to find sex no matter what. It’s just, imma approaching the age and physical composition that the reward may not equal the effort required.
If it weren’t for Big Ole Titties, I’d already’d quit dis chit. Lol
Long as I can appreciate some BOT I’ll keep huntin a poke now and again.
All the problems in this world and ‘the man’ wants fuck with hookers and horn dogs.
Build a fucking wall, arm the teachers and leave us ALONE!
Ats jus me.
Amen Cowboy. All the issue in this country, but let's tackle this!!!
The fate of this board still remains to be seen. Maybe it won’t change. We can hope. Overall, those that have been around a while are letting the rest of us know that changes happen in the way this thing works basically and resourcefulness is key.
And welcome back, cowboy. I’m pretty sure you’re going to be just fine, lol
Cowboy and Cass:
The purpose of the new legislation is not to stamp out whore boards, it's to attempt to slow human trafficking. Boards, news papers, and perhaps even the Yellow Pages just fall under the umbrella.
I do not think things will change here to soon. However I did find me a SB just in case and kinda like that at the present. Not giving up on Eccie but having a go to weekly is pretty nice.
I still enjoy Eccie a lot and the ladies I have met, we continue to share information and contacts so if it goes away, I still have lots of friends to call on and they can call on me.
Just be cool my friends and hopefully this will blow over.
That is true. They found away before the internet and the boards, and other sites for sex. It is the World's oldest profession, so they will find away if all this goes away!
Has anyone else noticed the irony in the title of this thread?
I guess we were all too worried being worried, but yes, some jokes do write themselves. haha