Georgia State Rep. leaves Dem party because of the immoral direction it is headed in

It's a Moral Decision': Fired up Georgia State Rep. Announces #Blexit From Democrat Party

AP Photo/Alex Slitz
“The most dangerous thing to the Democrat Party is a black person with a mind of their own.”

Those are the words of Rep. Mesha Mainor, the Georgia state representative for District 56 who announced Tuesday after months of being badgered by her Democratic colleagues for being insufficiently woke on education and public safety matters that she was switching to the Republican party:
“When I decided to stand up on behalf of disadvantaged children in support of school choice, my Democrat colleagues didn’t stand by me,” Mainor explained of her decision in a statement to Fox News Digital. “They crucified me. When I decided to stand up in support of safe communities and refused to support efforts to defund the police, they didn’t back me. They abandoned me.”
“For far too long, the Democrat Party has gotten away with using and abusing the black community,” she added. “For decades, the Democrat Party has received the support of more than 90% of the black community. And what do we have to show for it? I represent a solidly blue district in the city of Atlanta. This isn’t a political decision for me. It’s a moral one.”

In the statement she issued, Mainor vowed not only to continue to help advance the issues she cared about but also to help the Republican party grow, “helping us not focus not just on preaching to the choir but growing the congregation.”
On her Twitter feed, she reiterated her point about how the decision was a “moral one” for her while noting that she will “NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own”:

Later, Mainor used a line similar to one the late, great former President Ronald Reagan, also a former Democrat, once used to describe how the Democrat party left him:

In a follow-up video, Mainor addressed her district’s voters directly. “We have been on a journey together for two terms, and we’ve had some wins,” she stated. “But there is a better path, and we can do so much more. That is why today I am announcing that I am joining the Republican party”:

Mainor is not the first Democrat member of a southern state legislature to formally switch to the Republican party in 2023. State Rep. Tricia Cotham from North Carolina announced she was switching parties back in April, which was a pretty significant move considering it gave the GOP-controlled state legislature veto override power over Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper. Her district, like Mainor’s, is also reliably blue.

A similar situation also occurred earlier this year in Louisiana, where not one but two Democrat state reps switched parties, effectively giving Republicans there a super-majority.
I should also note that Mainor is not the first Georgia Democrat state lawmaker in recent memory to break from her party. Then-Democrat Rep. Vernon Jones famously endorsed then-President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign in 2020, and walked away from the party in January 2021. He officially became a Republican after completing his term in office.

winn dixie's Avatar
Follow the money. That's why some switch parties
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Follow the money. That's why some switch parties Originally Posted by winn dixie

so you are saying the GOP is outbidding the DNC for corrupt politicians?

winn dixie's Avatar
It's always money and job preservation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's always money and job preservation. Originally Posted by winn dixie

exactly. the rise of the "professional politician" will be the death of America as we know it. it's happening right now for all to see.

one thing you don't see .. Republicans moving to the Democrats. it's always the other direction.

herd mentality??

bring on the stampede

Her chose had nothing to do with the moral rot of the left and being an independent thinker and not remaining on the plantation...
The story details how she could no longer remain a member of that perverted ideology.
winn dixie's Avatar
Her chose had nothing to do with the moral rot of the left and being an independent thinker and not remaining on the plantation...
The story details how she could no longer remain a member of that perverted ideology. Originally Posted by bb1961
It's a good story
Redhot1960's Avatar
It's a good story Originally Posted by winn dixie
Library Storytime?
Follow the money. That's why some switch parties Originally Posted by winn dixie
I think it's their conscience is what they follow when they make the twitch. You don't have to pay people to be on the winning team.
... The people in her area wanted "school choice"...
She wanted to vote that-way and her fellow Dems
got onto her - so she told 'em to piss off!

... Good for her... Republicans are better anyway.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
It is my belief that Bill Cosby got away with his misogynist predatory behavior as long ass he toed the liberal line. But as soon as he began to hold black liberals accountable, they nailed him.

I am not endorsing his despicable behavior. I am saying that it was tolerated by the liberal leftit until he left the plantation.
oilfieldace's Avatar
That’s all good op, what do you put her odds at retaining her seat next election?
That’s all good op, what do you put her odds at retaining her seat next election? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
... If Winn is correct that it's all about the money
- than her chance in surely retaining her seat
is either very good - or she's already looking
at higher political aspirations. ... Good for her!

And as I mentioned - Republicans are better anyway.

#### Salty