Jewel Jones, no show no call

Captain Noc's Avatar
As much as I hate to write this, I feel I should, not because I believe I was wronged but because of how I was ignored....for no reason. I'm an active hobbiest here and on P411 w/22 okays, both in Houston and Dallas, and I have no, repeat no issues, ever! I'm a mild mannered, middle-aged guy, average build, of Western European decent, athletic, affluent, and all the other qualities that a working girl desires.

I scheduled a date with Jewel Jones, an out call date, to my house, for Thursday Nov. 18th. At 7:30 PM. All was agreed upon by both parties. I asked her to call me when she was on her way. I texted her anyway on the day of the date, mid afternoon, just to make sure, and she indicated, emphatically, that she would be there at 7:30. At 6:48 pm Thursday, the day of the date, I was concerned, so I text her again. A few minutes later, she text back and said that she was sorry, and needed to push an hour. Well, at this point what could I say? I’ve already cleared my calendar, so I played along and said sure, 8:30 PM is okay, and again I tell her to call me when she’s on her way. The fact that she didn’t contact me, I had to find out on my own by contacting her first, had me concerened! Well I knew….. a 20 y/o….. need I say more?

Anyway, to make a long story short, after a few more text from her saying this never happens, yaty, yaty, and if we could just reschedule for the next day…. Which I did, and that’s what pissed me off the most. No communication the next day or since. I guess I’ve been banned, but for no reason. Once again, normal guy here, 22 okays on P411, a bunch of reviews here, on eccie, long time playa….willing to work with her schedule, but still no joy, no consideration, no respect. I know, you're thinking well something bad has happened, and thats possible, but I sent her a PM from here and P411, with no reply, and a funning thing about computer websites like ECCIE and P411. They track and display your loggins, where everyone can see.

So what gives Jewel? Please respond, If its me, I like to know, why?

Capp’in Nocturnal
Mojojo's Avatar
Cap Noc please read the sticky's NCNS go in co-ed not alerts. Moved.
theres always two sides of the story,the first time you scheduled it was at 7:30pm that day then moments before 7:30pm you called me by phone and told me you had to reschedule for 8:30pm and I said ok because I know things do happen luckily I brought my dance gear to my incall with me so I wouldnt have to drive 45 min one way back to my house then at 8:15 you called me again and said that you would have to reschedule for the next time possible.I was a little upset because I knew by the time I made it to the club my house fees were going to be sky high but it happens, I didnt say nothing negative.And when you tried to schedule the very next day I ignored you by choice because I didnt want to be in the same situation as the day before.I just dont understand why your trying to post a ncns on me but thats ok also.Not only did you play me along that whole day , now you write a ncns on me.But thats ok to because as you say your a hobbiest with over 20 something ok's in time the truth will prevail that Im a great provider with plenty of positive reviews.
Captain Noc's Avatar
It's not an alert. It's a question to Jewel Jones, albeit lengthy, still a question!
Captain Noc's Avatar
What you are saying is untrue. You are either mistaking me for someone else or, for whatever reason you wish to manufacture events that did not happen.

Eitherway, it doesn't matter. I'm okay with it, you know and I know what happened. I'm sure there's a better reason than your above response.

You said and I quote, "I have family issues".........

But why not just tell me the next day or the the next why. Why not answer my PM's? Why wait until I have to write this post? I wasn't pushing you into anything. I was working with you.

I am sorry!
Im sorry I think your the one mistaken me for someone else and I know exactly who you are remember your the reason my house fees at the club was $ but thats not your fault when you canceled the first time I should of said ok 8:30pm doesnt work for me and went straight to work.And like I said I know exactly who this is you just didnt expect me to respond so bluntly and honest and I never once said anything about my family.But I'm setting here asking myself the same thing , why are you lying on me.Im sorry but Im not a provider that is scared of threatful bad reviews and etc, that WILL NOT WORK on me at all.Ive heard several stories of many providers that have worked with me in the clubs about them situations, I will not be one of them victims !
So lets both act like grown ups and go our seperate ways because Im not going to argue.
Captain Noc's Avatar
Okay Mojo213, please move this to the alerts forum, and yes separate ways is a for gone conclusion.

Kindest Regards,
Mojojo's Avatar
Cap Noc please read the sticky's NCNS go in co-ed not alerts. Moved. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Okay Mojo213, please move this to the alerts forum, and yes separate ways is a for gone conclusion.

Kindest Regards,
Cap Originally Posted by Captain Noc
Obviously your not reading well...
TexasGator's Avatar
...I'll bite. mojo was kind enough to re-open thread at my request, so ALL YOU HATERS need to quit believing everything I say about him.

I may be referred to as the Patron Saint (by some), but I'm no WK. Don't even know Jewel. BUT we have a he said-she said about which one asked for appointment to be pushed back to 8:30. Not uncommon, EXCEPT both agree it was pushed back to that time. Can't help but wonder why "At 6:48 pm Thursday, the day of the date, I was concerned, so I text her again."

BY YOUR ACCOUNT,she confirmed emphaticallywhen you "texted her anyway on the day of the date, mid afternoon, just to make sure." Do tell - why you were concerned at 6:48? Why did you tell us how well respected you are, and how many p411 okays you've undoubtedly listed on your CV?You asked for her explanation. I'm asking for yours, thread starter.
Wakeup's Avatar
Sounds like she missed out on a coupon book to me...
Captain Noc's Avatar
I really don't fully know how to respond to you Mister TxGator, and not because I don't have an answer but because I don't understand what you are trying to find out. Consequently I cannot pinpoint my answers to your questions/statements, so I will go back over the entire event, as I have it in my cell phone text archives and emails.

I emailed her several days before and said I would like to see her. She text me back the same day and picked Friday at 7:30 PM. She picked Friday, she picked 7:30 PM. I said okay, so 7:30 PM Friday it is set. Again on Wednesday, several days before, a formal date was made and confirmed between me and Ms Jones.

On Friday, around midday, I text her and asked her to let me know when she was on her way. She said okay. I knew approximately where she was coming from and how long it would take. At close to 7:00 PM, 6:48 PM to be exact, on Friday, I had not heard from her, knowing how long it would take her to get to me, and knowing she should be on her way by now, I text her again to reconfirm. 15 minutes goes by after my inquiry, well after 7:00 PM on Friday, the night of the date, she text me back and asked to push it to 8:30. I said ok and asked her to contact me when she was on her way. This was our second conformation for a date.

At 8:00 PM. I had not heard from her so knowing where she was coming from and approximately how long it would take her to get to me, I was concerned again so I text her again to reconfirm, she text me back and wanted to push again to either 10:00 PM that night, or reschedule for the next day. I asked why, she said she had family issues; I said I can't go at 10:00 PM tonight, but tomorrow I could. She said I wouldn't regret it. I took that as a conformation for the next day. This was my third conformation from her. I text her again the next day, no reply. I called, no answer. I sent an email no response. I gave up. By the way she was wrong, I do regret it.

I guess every NCNS is a he said she said. I'd be happy to transcribe all the communications I have between her and I, get them notarized by a public authority, and send them on to you if you want. You seem so interested in this “he said she said”. It would be no trouble Non-WK, no trouble at all. Funny though, you’re interested enough to have this thread reopened. I guess I did do a big wrong here. I tried to participate on this board.

I guess it's not a good idea to ask for an explanation of why someone did something inconsiderate and rude, in a public forum. I won’t be making this mistake ever again.

We can take this to Private Mail to resolve, this Mister Gator if you want. I wouldn’t want to give this platform to anyone who’s only purpose would seem to be to wedge themselves into a fairly insignificant event, trying to find a conspiracy where there isn’t one.
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... First it was Thursday, now it's Friday.... If you can't keep the days straight, how can we be sure you can keep the story straight.... Just saying....
trynagetlaid's Avatar
9 'yes' reviews in only 12 days? I'm guessing you got bumped by someone with a few more bucks to spend or someone she already knew who was a big tipper. Don't sweat it.