See a Doctor!!

I love DATY and finding the button to make a gal squirt...but

When DATY, if opening the folds is like pulling apart the bread on a peanut butter sandwich and then has the odor of a urinal cake in the bathroom of the International Asparagus Eating Festival, go see a fucking Doctor!

What is wrong with you? I wont name names but you know who you are you sick cow!
Still Looking's Avatar
Wonder if she got verified?
Guest010619's Avatar
Free healthcare for sex workers.
Wtf... I was having lunch.
I am so glad i dont like peanut butter!!!

Oh lord. Have to ask OP, what do you do at that moment? And ladies, if you are experiencing that unfresh feeling wouldn't you take that off the menu? I was asked to pick up douche on the way to meet a provider. Although it was funny as hell I was more than happy to have done so.
There is no excuse to even work if you have that level of nastiness going on. Some things require a doctors visit, there's just not enough soap and water that will do. And douching only makes matters worse. Ask anyone in the medical community, douching is a very bad idea, even for healthy women.
FootLong's Avatar
Wtf... I was having lunch. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Happy Hobbying Rule #9. Never eat while reading Von Spieler.
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
JUST WOW!!! Lol didn't pickupkid post something about this
Happy Hobbying Rule #9. Never eat while reading Von Spieler. Originally Posted by FootLong

I should've known better... You are right. Rookie moment...
Merry Minx's Avatar
There is no excuse to even work if you have that level of nastiness going on. Some things require a doctors visit, there's just not enough soap and water that will do. And douching only makes matters worse. Ask anyone in the medical community, douching is a very bad idea, even for healthy women. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Douching is one of the absolute worst things a woman can do. It strips her body of all the natural, healthy bacteria, and allows for unwanted bacterias to start growing and taking over. I take a daily woman's probiotic every morning, just as routinely and seriously as my birth control. It's a great way to help maintain the healthiest version of yourself - even for those of us who already pride ourselves in cleanliness.

This is honestly one of the nastiest posts I've ever read.
blasphemouse's Avatar
So sir Von... Even after that as an obstacle and getting a real good close proximity look and whiff of it, I can't stop wondering... Did you end up going there?
Happy Hobbying Rule #9. Never eat while reading Von Spieler. Originally Posted by FootLong
On the other hand, and based on his self-described hobbying history, it's probably OK to read while eating Von Spieler.
Joe Buck's Avatar