Nude art

Franklin4's Avatar
ive been to the Allen club, like 8 times so far, met some nice people there,
and of course my friend Legacy.
I do admire the large Nude art work there on the walls of the allen club
ive looked on ebay for such large paintings, (no luck)
and what I did find was in the $500- $2500 dollar range
to expensive for me, im looking for maybe $200-$300 range
and of course less.......... :-)
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Commission lucyny. No idea what the dollars would be, but I would recommend asking. Maybe you could work a session into the research, delivery, or both.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Franklin4's Avatar
sweetElizabeth, and Johnny Thanks for your input,
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
sweetElizabeth, and Johnny Thanks for your input, Originally Posted by Franklin4
You're welcome!
The Drummer's Avatar
Hey Franklin,

Talk to the owner of the AC with regard to purchasing one or more of the paintings. If I know her, everything's for sale -- including her soul to the devil!!!

If I were you, I'd first make an offer of $50 a piece -- no more. If she balks, try to bundle to get the price down.

Franklin4's Avatar
thanks there Drummer,
I may stop in tonight