Best men's cologne

AcesHigh's Avatar
Ladies (and Gents),

What is your favorite men's cologne? Do you mind a guy wearing it during a session? I generally try to wear a little.


i do love the ladies to wear some perfume, but not on her person. after all, i sure would hate to run my tongue across that on her body.
nasty nasty. i wear some on my clothes because the clothes can be washed, not on my body anymore.

polo something i wear. 55.00 for a small bottle.

derek303's Avatar
I wear Creed.
This is my favorite scent for a male:

Issey Miyake
L'Eau D'Issey Pour Homme
My favorite scent to smell on a man is:
Issey Miyake
L'Eau D'Issey Pour Homme
Frenchy29-2000's Avatar
Egoiste by Channel. Mmmmmm.
I smell like a man. Booze Cigarettes and Ball sweat.
In no particular order:

Issey Miyake
Did I mention 212?
Kenneth Cole Black
oldie but still a goodie Aqua Digio
I love FCUK for men! Smells GREAT! I was shopping somewhere and past a gent and almost had an "O"! I had to stop and ask him!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I prefer none, as it is difficult for guys to go back to work with a ladies scent, I D.E.W. not wear any unless asked.

But I have had gents wear some kind of AWFUL smell (musk usually) and you can't get away from it. I'm not allergic, but also might have a client after them that would be and tho I shower and change all linens I have had several times where the next gent complains about the smell.

Great question about what the gals like but also please ask if you can WEAR it to the session.
bdh1187's Avatar
In no particular order:

Issey Miyake
Did I mention 212?
Kenneth Cole Black
oldie but still a goodie Aqua Digio Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Well, from being out West, I like to wear a little bit of Bud, a taste of Lone Star, a hint of of Corona and when feeling exotic a little bit of Heniken: all of which are finished off with a pretty girl
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
They’ve started a new TV campaign for Aqua Velva, a dad and son sloshing it on side by side. This stuff...

To me, it looks too much like this stuff...

AcesHigh's Avatar
"please ask if you can WEAR it to the session"

Dagny, that is advice well-taken. I usually remember to ask but I also wondered whether ladies PREFER that guys wear a little.
i love it when a girl wears vanilla scented anything!!!!!!!!!!!!

drives me mad!!
I love when a man has a nice scent to him, it does not bother me one bit, as long as he didnt take a bath in it.