
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I use firefox, but outside of banking I don't really need to change browsers for privacy. Does anybody here use duckduckgo? Are there any benefits using it?
I do. I have used it since it came out. It’s about 90% as good as google. Every once in a while I’ll have to use google to find something but very rarely. I love it. I don’t use any google products.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-16-2024, 05:22 AM
not to jump the shark, but does anyone know the best way to avoid Microsoft-the company from hell-and Adobe Acrobat, which
keeps trying to sell me on upgrades? super annoying, esp Mcrosft
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Works fine.
Not as robust as Meta, but unless you know how to turn off all the Google tracking for ad placement, perhaps could be preferred.
Duckduckgo uses the same search algorithms as MS Bing, but without the trackers.
bigwill832's Avatar
Check out Brave
I use it. I love it. There are two great benefits, being able to instantly erase any webpage your visiting and no advertisements allowed. Hope this helps
Switch to Linux... thus giving MS the finger
DarthMaul's Avatar
What GhostRider said!!
  • pxmcc
  • 08-29-2024, 08:57 AM
what ghost and darth said..

low end theory's Avatar
I agree with the three post before me
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Brave browser. Their AI is pretty good. But nothing is impenetrable