Austin Gentleman's Club Luncheon Thank You

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-02-2012, 09:16 PM
I wanted to thank everyone who was able to attend the luncheon today. It's always good to reconnect with hobby friends. It was great to see some new faces (and, ahem, new bodies) and a first-time attendee even won the VIP pass!

Thanks to Whispers for doing all of the "heavy lifting" in managing the emails and invites, and thanks to the gentlemen who sponsored the lovely ladies who joined us!

I also wanted to extend a special thank you to the young lady who invited us over to her place for an "after party". (I apologize for having to leave early, but I had a great time!)

As with all threads of this type, don't announce anyone's attendance at the event until they have posted in the thread themselves, unless you have that person's permission.

Ms Francisca's Avatar
Whisp, Thank you for allowing me to attend!!

Ztonk, you missed out on dinner (although, breakfast was much better)

Made new friends & finally met a certain gentleman that has always intrigued me. Thank you for the XOXO You smell delicious BTW.

I truly had a BLAST.

In this hobby world, the older providers are often "Less Appreciated" per say.
I want to take the opportunity to Boast a bit, being 1 of those providers.

I get more action than all you guys put together, and my Rate is: $0


Thank you again for a great time.

Randomuser50's Avatar
Damn guess you have to be part of the secret handshake club to know when these things happen.
  • Vyt
  • 02-03-2012, 10:33 AM
Damn guess you have to be part of the secret handshake club to know when these things happen. Originally Posted by Randomuser50
Whispers has a link to the secret handshake club in his sig. It's not an ECCIE event, he does the organization work.

Speaking of which, Fran, do you understand why I hang out at P10 so much now?
Hmmm...well if Fran thinks it's worth going I'd like to go to the next one please! Hopefully, someone will be kind enough to invite me!
Thanks as always to Whispers and ztonk for organizing this. I had a great time. And thanks to the guys that made the effort to introduce the ladies to those of us in attendance. Both Whispers and ztonk (as well as a few others not yet named here) introduced me to some stunning women. Can't wait for the next one.

If The Beautiful and Elegant Reya Is Going To

Be There I Would Love An Invite As Well!!!!!




austinkboy's Avatar
Yes, party was fun. Always glad to see my friends, meet some new people. Fran...sorry I didn't make the after party. If you didn't notice, I was very tempted, and almost bailed on my RL commitment. Next time I will go for the gusto!
googol^googol's Avatar
Thanks to all who made it a good time!
Whispers's Avatar
An after Party? Crap.....

I wanted to stay but had made a concession to the young lady with me that we would get out of there early for a change. Her son was due home from a day with his dad..... In the past she has let him spend extra time with a family member and came to the party and danced for my friends... He wasn't feeling well this week and she wanted to be home when he was due home instead of letting him stay away longer....... I hope folks understand....

Anyway.... It was good seeing so many new people coming as well as the new ladies, some from San Antonio, that chose to join us...

And as mentioned, a Newbie won the VIP Pass to the club we gave away.... He needs to thank a certain young lady that drew the ticket...

One of the young ladies from San Antonio will be getting a call from us shortly... We have ticket's to Cats down there Sunday and my lady friend found her very attractive....

Fran.... You are so right in knowing how to properly enjoy a strip club..... You should really tell the guys what the secret to having fun is.....

I try to tell them... They need to get up off their ass and tip a girl or two on stage... buy a drink or a dance.... have some fun!....

It's rather hard to get rejected by stripper OR providers and there were plenty of both there having a good time yesterday....

I can arrange a party.... Ztonk can help screen and run the darn things with me.... But it isn't a party without all the folks that come out.....

Thanks to all of you as well.
One of these days I am going to take the day off and stay for all of the before, during, and after fun!!!

Many Thanks to Whispers and ztonk for arranging and managing these get togethers. It is always good to see old friends and meet new ones as well.

Once again, Thanks........and BTW Reya and Lily, I would be proud to be your escort to the next one!!!!

txAustin202's Avatar
I'd invite you Reya. Maybe you'll be the one to get me out of my UTR shell. I had the $25 and was walking towards Whispers but was directed to a section of the club that wasn't reserved by a waitress that I know. She assumed that I wasn't part of the party. So I'm still UTR. lol

Hmmm...well if Fran thinks it's worth going I'd like to go to the next one please! Hopefully, someone will be kind enough to invite me! Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Tatonka's Avatar
Thanks to all the organizers, and to all the ladies who attended.
Got to meet some new ladies and see an utr gal that I didn't expect to see again.
Good to see some familiar faces.
Had a couple drinks, tipped some dancers, got a few dances, had a good time.
Too bad I had to go back to work.
Looking forward to the next luncheon.
Thanks again.
Thanks Whispers, as usual you took care of everything. A certain lady and I thank you for "taking care" of us. Ladies, Gentleman, so nice to see all of you. Ms. Francesca, thank you for the invite, maybe the next time we can all have breakfast together.
SunsetCowboy's Avatar
Thank you Whispers and ztonk for another wonderful afternoon and a big thanks for introducing the lady / ladies to all the gents. Ms Fran it was a great pleasure to meet you. You are one sexxy lady and smelled great also babe. It was great to see all the gents and meet a few new ones. It was great to meet all the ladies and had some nice convo's and drinks. Thumbs up the the facility they always go all out.
Metal a pleasure as always brother. Kboy great to see ya again sir. Looking forward to the next one. And Reya would be my honor to have you accompany me babe!!
Have a great weekend all.