BFE breaks-in a brand-new girl: The session that almost was

  • BFE
  • 02-07-2012, 06:53 PM
The other day I was sitting around in my office. Most of my (very limited) hobby time is spent with independents, and most times I schedule at least a week in advance, but once in a while I do dabble in the agency world.

But this time a client canceled a late Friday afternoon meeting - so why not put that time to good use?

So I gave them a call asking for someone I had wanted to meet for a while. She wasn't in that day, but they recommend someone else. I see some pictures, and she looks very cute.

Then they tell me: "You'd be her first session. We just hired her today".

And well, that did it for me. It is not very often that I get to be a girl's first session. Not to bluff, but I think I'm very well qualified for such a job.

Anyway, I head downtown, where this girl was about to check-in at a hotel. I get to the hotel, call the agency and I get her phone number so I can call her. She greets me and tells me she had just parked as well - tells me to look out for her.

I get out of my car, and sure enough, there she is. A very cute girl with what seemed a great body. We make small talk and head to the lobby. She has to check-in first. There's a bunch of people hanging around there (like a lot!) and it'd look quite odd two people checking-in together, some age difference and... no luggage!

So I decide to disappear for the restroom for a minute or two while she checks-in.

I come out and *poof* the girl is gone. I'm thinking - wow, that was fast, maybe she headed out to the room.

Call her. No answer.
Send her a text. No answer.

Now I text the agency. "She's right there. She is waiting for you in her car."

Well obviously they are a bit behind on news. I fill them in - we met, she was going to get a room, I disappeared for a minute, she's gone. Now I'm back in my car since I don't want to be you know, just standing there.

By now it's obvious the girl bailed at the last minute. Now I'm thinking - did I do anything wrong? Did I scare her? Am I too ugly?

5 minutes later, I hear from her, via text. She got last-minute cold-feet. Turns it was, in fact, her very first session. She tells me it was her first day and that she can't go through it, but that maybe we can hang out as friends. Honestly, I wasn't too sure whether to believe when they told me I'd be her first appointment, but alas, I was!

We exchange a few more texts. She apologizes profusely. I'm not really pissed, or irritated or anything. Just as a person, I'm very happy she didn't go through with something she wasn't fully comfortable with.

Maybe she was in a pinch and needed some money, I offer her to give her a little if she needs. We say goodbye and that was it.

As for the agency, they were professional throughout the whole thing, and this is not a knock on them by any means (that's why I'm not naming them). The girl is still up on their website, but I guess they'll be taking her down soon.

So kids, lesson learned, when they tell you it is a "new" girl... she could very well be!

You can't make this stuff up! I was going to post a picture of one the texts I got from her - but think that'd violate the rule about posting private communications, so I won't.
Elephant's Avatar
They don't teach this in school. I love catching the new girls on the scene before they get cold and too focused on the hustle... and after a few weeks a few usually turn out to really enjoy the sex and cash flow. Fun to see that happen. Very rare, but fun....
Good attitude on the situation, really who wants an unwilling partner? Better luck next time.
Jbackslash's Avatar
I was about to book her Friday after work but couldn't make it in time. Maybe it was a good thing or else I would have had rove there for nothing. She sure did look hot though.
I wonder if she would have done it if Brad Pitt was the client?

BFE, you gotta stop runnin em off like that bro.
  • BFE
  • 02-07-2012, 10:01 PM
Haha. I should've seen that coming Boog!
Sorry it all went GaFargled on you-

If she makes a go of it you are top on the dance card.

You handled it very well and I applaud.
Whispers's Avatar
In Houston and in South Florida I was on the "1st See" list of Agencies...... I loved it..... Alll kinds of fringe benefits for being the "first"....

Sometimes though that mean the first..... and occasionally the ONLY one to experience that "cold feet" moment and get stood up....

If the Agency makes good... you will be a step ahead....

But now you have her direct number as well....

You should text her and show some empathy for her situation... she obviously is in need of money or would not have been considering it....

You have a solid prospect for a SB relationship in her if you can play it right and connect with her.
  • BFE
  • 02-07-2012, 11:13 PM
Wow, that sounds nice. I guess "Membership has its privileges", Whispers! I don't hobby that much to get on those kind of VIP lists. But hey, whenever you get one of those calls and you're like too tired, or too busy with your "secretary" you know you can call me!

I did text her and we spoke a little bit about what was going on. She was very appreciative of me trying to help her some other way.

I'm not really looking for an SB sort of thing, but well, at some point we all need to do something (however little) to help someone who is on a desperate situation.
  • E2
  • 02-08-2012, 09:05 AM

You handled it very well and I applaud. Originally Posted by LBoog

Michael_Loomis's Avatar
What I like about this story is that she was honest and said "Hey I got cold feet" and not I got a call that my mom is sick or the baby sitter has to leave or my cat just died etc..
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-08-2012, 11:49 AM
What I like about this story is that she was honest and said "Hey I got cold feet" and not I got a call that my mom is sick or the baby sitter has to leave or my cat just died etc.. Originally Posted by Michael_Loomis
She hasn't learned those other excuses yet!

Seriously, though, kinda tough on the new girl to have to secure the agency incall and get ready for her first appointment. Talk about stressful!
  • BFE
  • 02-08-2012, 12:12 PM
Loomis - yeah, good point. I didn't even think of that, but she does deserve a lot of credit for it.

Ztonk - I think you are right. That could have been what ultimately did it for her. Having to get a room, etc... I think that might have sent her over the edge (which again - I think was a good thing in the end). I think there are some other, better, ways to ease a girl into the Hobby.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm not really looking for an SB sort of thing, but well, at some point we all need to do something (however little) to help someone who is on a desperate situation. Originally Posted by BFE
Give her my number or email if she would consider something more exclusive with one or two guys..... I'll 'splain it to her!