Interesting article by former New York escort

John Philip Sousa's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
I bid $37.51.... Opps wrong thread!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-12-2014, 02:58 PM
I bid $37.51.... Opps wrong thread! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Beats my bid....go for it. She seems a bit too icy for me at any rate.

Seriously, it was an interesting article. But she seems to have come out of it so angry & bitter that she was forced to actually be a Hoogar. Sounds like her therapist (who she talks about in the article) has his work cut out for him. Money is not that important in the end game.

Jesus Christ its just sex! The best couplings are when the girl realizes that & has a bit of fun plus makes some money. I think that's why the girls like Eryn do so well.

If they have to fake it so much (as this chick seems to have had to) & are ONLY in it for the money, its going to scar them permanently. Those shoes and diamonds are going to devalue over time, but your self esteem & soul are with you forever.

Bob McV's Avatar
She is also Russian, and while a stereotype, they can often come off as cold and distant to us soft bleeding heart Americans.

I had a session with a Russin lady a few months back. Made the mistake of asking; "What do you enjoy?" she said "We are here to get you off not me, so whatever works for you". While very honest, man talk about a buzzkill.

A few days later she sent me a note saying she had a good time, and that she very much liked that I wanted her to enjoy it too, but that was something new and different for her.

Those Poor NYC hoogars, They should all vacation in Texas for a little apprication of a ladies man
fun2come's Avatar
Bob, wish I would have met her during me record searching days, lol
She would have NEVER given THAT answer again.

aaawwww, what the heck, she still around????
FoulRon's Avatar
Read that article earlier this week, via a link on another board.
Thought it might be interesting to post it here, particularly as it is related to other recent threads in this forum, or even in the national forums.
Just waiting for Centaur to weigh in.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-12-2014, 09:08 PM
We used to have a little Russian spinner traveler who made the rounds on occasion. I scheduled an incall on election night (Obamas second term as it were). She was from Saint Petersburg and had a THICK Russian accent. We started talking politics & I probably stayed 2+ hours (she wanted to talk and said it was a slow night anyway). Her reviews were very businesslike, but we found common ground and actually had a great time. She would get so excited trying to make a point and it would come out half Russian and half English. She was a very intelligent girl, but since there was such a language barrier with most she wasn't well received here.
Centaur's Avatar
Just waiting for Centaur to weigh in. Originally Posted by FoulRon
She has pretty good business acumen. Anecdotally, that seems hit or miss with self-styled "entrepreneurs". Business majors all usually have more or less the same sets of right ideas and misconceptions about how to make it. Non-majors tend to either be very pragmatic and make it where they can or they're blinded by wishful thinking and fail at every venture.

As for her clients, it takes all kinds. She catered to a very specific demographic more prevalent in Manhattan than anywhere else in the US. Wall Street bankers tend to be very self-absorbed by virtue of selection bias (it takes a single-minded drive to make it on Wall Street) and are happy to accept the fantasy that they maybe think is easier to swallow from an "exotic" (read: more enigmatic and less familiar body language) immigrant. It's interesting that she wonders if the working girls catering to other demographics are stupid. Of course if you're paying the cost of living to reside in Manhattan, you better be doing something you can't do with less overhead elsewhere, and Wall Street bankers are certainly on that list.

I agree with Toyz that she comes off as cold and calculating, in it exclusively for the money. Personally she wouldn't interest me even if I was inclined to see HDHs, but there's obviously a market for her services and more power to her for successfully exploiting it and her clients for getting what they want. A healthy market pairs compatible buyers and sellers. I disagree with Toyz that she seems jaded, just very practical. No southern comfort, but there isn't a lot of that north of the Carolinas in my experience.

She was a very intelligent girl, but since there was such a language barrier with most she wasn't well received here. Originally Posted by Toyz
True, and the perpetually excited dog didn't help either. It was like trying to enjoy yourself in the movie Tremors. Stay on the bed and you were safe