Brain Dead College Students Don't Know Shit

The hate Trump, even though the questions were about President Obama's actions.

The question I ask is not how these Morons got into College, but how they got out of High School?

This is the future of our Country?
LexusLover's Avatar
The question I ask is not how these Morons got into College, but how they got out of High School? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Did you see/hear Richard Dreyfuss talking to Tucker last night?

He was ridiculing Congress ("government officials") by suggesting he understood why they didn't understand the U.S. Constitution, because they quit teaching "civics" in high schools in the 70's!

Today: Every Senator has at least a 4-year college degree and only 5% of the House does not. Government is taught in colleges, and roughly 40% of Congress have law degrees, where Constitutional Law is a mandated first year course.

The hate Trump, even though the questions were about President Obama's actions.
Originally Posted by Jackie S

Wait for it. The spineless, liberal media will brand this as the right hatefully "mocking today's youth".
  • DSK
  • 04-29-2017, 07:38 AM
Did you see/hear Richard Dreyfuss talking to Tucker last night?

He was ridiculing Congress ("government officials") by suggesting he understood why they didn't understand the U.S. Constitution, because they quit teaching "civics" in high schools in the 70's!

Today: Every Senator has at least a 4-year college degree and only 5% of the House does not. Government is taught in colleges, and roughly 40% of Congress have law degrees, where Constitutional Law is a mandated first year course. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This latest Dreyfuss Affair is too funny. He even claims to be non partisan!!
  • DSK
  • 04-29-2017, 07:41 AM

The hate Trump, even though the questions were about President Obama's actions.

The question I ask is not how these Morons got into College, but how they got out of High School?

This is the future of our Country? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The future of our country will be similar to most Latin American countries. A few elites who oppress the masses. My advice is to choose rich, healthy, well educated parents. If not, try to get rich on your own.

If not, drink alocohol and smoke [prohibited topics] with broke [prohibited topic]s.
Did you see/hear Richard Dreyfuss talking to Tucker last night?

He was ridiculing Congress ("government officials") by suggesting he understood why they didn't understand the U.S. Constitution, because they quit teaching "civics" in high schools in the 70's!

Today: Every Senator has at least a 4-year college degree and only 5% of the House does not. Government is taught in colleges, and roughly 40% of Congress have law degrees, where Constitutional Law is a mandated first year course. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Keep in mind, you have "Constitutional Law" being taught in Universities by the likes of former President Obama, whose idea of the Constitution is it is a document that must be modified and changed to meet the petty whims of the moment.

That is the one thing that makes our Constitutional Republic different from the vast majority of Governments. Our Founders deliberately made the Document extremely difficult to change so it would be the solid foundation that freedom and liberty could be built upon.

By the way. Mr Dreyfus is really pro civics, and pro Constitution. But, I wonder what he thinks of The 2d Amendment, which is one of our Bill of Rights?
Did you see/hear Richard Dreyfuss talking to Tucker last night?

He was ridiculing Congress ("government officials") by suggesting he understood why they didn't understand the U.S. Constitution, because they quit teaching "civics" in high schools in the 70's!

Today: Every Senator has at least a 4-year college degree and only 5% of the House does not. Government is taught in colleges, and roughly 40% of Congress have law degrees, where Constitutional Law is a mandated first year course. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I just stumbled across the interview on YouTube and was going to start a thread with the video. Instead I found a nice home for it, here. I never knew Dreyfuss was/is a Constitutional libertarian. I thought he was like his goofy daughter?
LexusLover's Avatar
Keep in mind, you have "Constitutional Law" being taught in Universities by the likes of former President Obama, whose idea of the Constitution is it is a document that must be modified and changed to meet the petty whims of the moment. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Fortunately, not all graduate school professors are placed in positions of influence based on affirmative action programs. In fact few are. During the "political career" of Obaminable one did not hear any praise coming from the "chairs" and "classrooms" of Harvard for him ... and that even includes the "pawn" of a "professor" who had a beer in the garden with the cop, who was simply doing his job correctly.
When I read the headline of this article I thought the OP was starting a thread about StandinInShit's "students" .....
LexusLover's Avatar
When I read the headline of this article I thought the OP was starting a thread about StandinInShit's "students" ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
... indirectly ... the shoe fits! Like I posted:

"Fortunately, not all graduate school professors are placed in positions of influence based on affirmative action programs."

Mentally challenged are generally considered a "protected class"!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dreyfus is a lefty, but a classic one.

read the comments, there are some good points and arguments in there.