Would you ever marry your ATF?

Would the fact that your gf was a provider prevent you from a lasting relationship? Is it different than to marry a popular cheerleader that fucked everyone in highschool?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
hmm..... can of worms???

There have been 2 providers I have seen over the years I would have considered being in a relationship with.

1 is retired

I am not big on marriage personally. I would have a hard time dealing with her continuing to provide while being in a relationship with her.

Have you considered that she might want to continue working?
Whispers's Avatar
You know at the end of the day they are still a prostitute right?

I can fuck em... take them out and have a great time with them..... I can wine and dine them and be friends with them for years........

But I can't ever not look past the fact that she spread her legs for just about anyone for whatever the price of admission was...

No.... Whomever I am married to.... I just don't want to ever think about her having had previous partners......
You know at the end of the day they are still a prostitute right?

I can fuck em... take them out and have a great time with them..... I can wine and dine them and be friends with them for years........

But I can't ever not look past the fact that she spread her legs for just about anyone for the whatever the price of admission was...

No.... Whomever I am married to.... I just don't want to ever think about her having had previous partners...... Originally Posted by Whispers

Do you make the same distinction with strippers?
budman33's Avatar
At the end of the day she would also know we pay to get sex. albeit we are probably lower volume but not much difference. would be an interesting bridge to cross for both sides. if you couldn't wrap your mind around it then you probably wouldnt get married in the first place unless you were drunk off your ass in vegas.
The real question is would you feel secure enough in yourself to marry a provider knowing her past and also would you make her stop being a provider? If so, what if she wanted to start doing it again for the sake of $$$? Could you handle that?

PDoktor's Avatar
You know at the end of the day they are still a prostitute right?

But I can't ever not look past the fact that she spread her legs for just about anyone for the whatever the price of admission was...

No.... Whomever I am married to.... I just don't want to ever think about her having had previous partners...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Does your viewpoint not strike you as vastly hypocritical? At the end of the day, many of us have taken vows to be faithful to our wives, yet at the first opportunity, are turning to the first willing provider to fulfill our emotional, psychological and sexual needs. It's rather egotistical to think that a provider will pay the price for a temporary "career" choice for the rest of her life, while our actions are above reproach. I'm sure our wives would find that logic quite amusing.

My ATF recently retired, rather abruptly in fact. Although she wouldn't blatantly admit to it, I believe her retirement comes as a direct result of her falling in love. If she fell so deeply for a man that she is willing to give up a life of financial freedom, will she forever be regarded by him as a "prostitute"? I certainly pray that for her sake, the man she has chosen recognizes her full worth. Everyone deserves a chance at love and happiness.
It can go the same way with a guy. Some women rather they are "hookers" "strippers" or "regulars real world women" can have the same mind thought with guys. As in she may not ever be able to get past you being a "john" that had to pay for sex and slept with tons of strange hookers and strippers.

As far as my thoughts, if I were going to date a guy I wouldnt want him to be OK with what I do. I would want him to just want me for himself.
Can you marry your ATF? Yes, hell people meet and connect in strange places all the time. There is no rule book saying if your a John that pays for pussy you can't fall in love with your ATF hooker. People connect it happens, its what you do after you both realise you want each other.
Would you ever marry your ATF?
Yes! My ATF is a kind, smart, and beautiful humanitarian. She's a wonderful person. Who doesn't want to marry a wonderful person?

Would the fact that your gf was a provider prevent you from a lasting relationship?

I think it depends on what she learned about herself and others while she was a "provider". How she uses that knowledge going forward will have a significant impact on any relationship in which she's involved (especially the one with herself).

I don't believe I would hold what she did for money over her head or against her. I've worked in one office or another for a couple of decades. I hate to say it, but I too have done a few fucked-up things strictly for the money. Now, I work hard to avoid those situations.

Is it different than to marry a popular cheerleader that fucked everyone in high school?

Again, I think it depends. We've all done things we aren't proud of. So when judging (that's what we're doing here, right?) the offender, I believe what's done afterward is as (if not more) important than the questionable decision/action: Did she get worse? Did she stay the same? Did she get better?
"People connect it happens, its what you do after you both realise you want each other."

Wish I had read that before I wrote my reply. Could have save myself some time.
Whispers's Avatar
Do you make the same distinction with strippers? Originally Posted by Talkischeap
If it is a stripper that Provides. Yes. In the Long Term I know I could not "live happily ever after" with her.
Whispers's Avatar
Does your viewpoint not strike you as vastly hypocritical?

At the end of the day, many of us have taken vows to be faithful to our wives, yet at the first opportunity, are turning to the first willing provider to fulfill our emotional, psychological and sexual needs. It's rather egotistical to think that a provider will pay the price for a temporary "career" choice for the rest of her life, while our actions are above reproach. I'm sure our wives would find that logic quite amusing.

I can admit to being a hypocrite. But the question was not about whether a woman could be married to me knowing I cheat. It was about whether "I" could marry a prostitute. "MY" answer is no.

My ATF recently retired, rather abruptly in fact. Although she wouldn't blatantly admit to it, I believe her retirement comes as a direct result of her falling in love. If she fell so deeply for a man that she is willing to give up a life of financial freedom, will she forever be regarded by him as a "prostitute"? I certainly pray that for her sake, the man she has chosen recognizes her full worth. Everyone deserves a chance at love and happiness. Originally Posted by PDoktor

Very few women find Prostitution to be a life of "Financial Freedom"... Most become chained to a lifestyle that does lasting emotional and physical damage to them as it sucks them in and makes it very difficult to ever escape.
WOMBAT's Avatar
Would you ever marry your ATF?
Yes! No Doubt about it.

Would the fact that your gf was a provider prevent you from a lasting relationship?

Nope she would of course have a desire to be with me only and leave the business. Of course finances would have to be worked out. Touchy Subject if they are prideful.

Having been in such a relationship I would never hold it over her and never mention it unless she did. It can be tough at first but so long as you are both honest with each other and willing to commit why not.

Is it different than to marry a popular cheerleader that fucked everyone in high school?

I would say she rates above the cheerleader if she took it as a profession to make money and cover her debt.

I sure as hell don't want the long list of who I have been with before the hobby to come up. I might have to do some explaining.

I really don't see this as much different than a lot of non professionals who can be quite prolific.
jsparrow's Avatar
Yes. No. It's different...I didn't marry that one.
knotty man's Avatar
yes! i have been head over heels for my atf since i met her. but, i also realize my atf only exists for an hour at a time. shes not real, shes a persona invented and designed to know and fullfil my every desire. shes a real life glamour shot.
i am crazy about my atf "jenna hobby" (just a name i pulled outta my ass). jenna looks amazing, has an awesome body, and bcd thats outta this world. her nails are always done, her hair is always perfect and her make up is always on point. she loves my jokes thinks im witty and to her im sexy as hell! she cant wait to take me inside her. jenna has never taken a shit in her whole life!!! but her whole life has been a series of 1 hr events with me.
now, the "real" jenna hobby ala Jennifer Vundercrotch (again, another name outta my ass) has her bad days, complains about work, doesnt always wanna fuck and may not particularly enjoy my company. she wakes up with morning breath. she has fucked up hair 1st thing in the morning, is a bitch till her 1st cup, and probably shit so bad she could knock a buzzard off an outhouse at 50yrds.
if shes a good provider, the chances of jenna hobby ever allowing me to meet jennifer vundercrotch will never happen. its a kinda clark kent/superman thing.
so yes is it possible to fall in love with her and wanna marry her. OF COURSE! just remember that your falling in love with a character and not a person you will ever meet. everytime i see her i fall in love all over again. all the way till she closes the door behind me as i leave. live in the moment, just know when the moment is over