Head proud boys asshole Enrique Tarrio gets 22 years.

rmg_35's Avatar

They keep moving up the ladder. 22 years for this treasonist traitor.

Summary for those that won't read the article:

"Ex-Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio has been jailed for 22 years, the longest sentence yet for the plot to storm the US Capitol

Tarrio told the court he is ashamed of his actions and he knew Trump had lost the presidential election
His mother and sister both spoke in court and plead for the judge to hand out a lenient sentence

Tarrio was found guilty of seditious conspiracy and obstructing official proceedings at a Washington DC federal court last May

The former Proud Boys boss was not at the riot because a judge ordered him to leave the city, but he helped organise the far-right group's involvement

The group have been steadfast supporters of ex-president Donald Trump and their protests after the 2020 election culminated in the infamous riot at the US Capitol"
trump's "people" are making America great again, one prison sentence at a time
eyecu2's Avatar
Remember ..

"Stand down and stand by, I bet Tarrio didn't think he'd be doing that for 22 years. He's gonna be an old man when he gets out. What a douche to try to be 1776 militiamen. Supporting a tyrant has a cost.

Hope it's some good "hard time" too!
I’m shocked! Shocked I say!! That Trump isn’t helping his Proud Boys! I guess he’s busy with his own problems.
Adiós, Enrique! I hope it was worth it throwing your life away for a shitbag grifter like trump 😂😂🤣

All these "pretend patriots" are finding out what LAW and ORDER really means. And it's nothing at all like the He-Man/Rambo fantasies they convinced themselves to believe it was. Keep crying, MAGA! We'll collect your tears to help with the next drought.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-06-2023, 12:34 PM
Is trumpf going to dig into his campaign funds to help pay for the legal defense of those who followed him off the cliff? Nah, selfish bastard is using it all up to keep himself out of jail.
Is trumpf going to dig into his campaign funds to help pay for the legal defense of those who followed him off the cliff? Originally Posted by jan-w
The truly hilarious part is these people really believed he would. Hilarious, scary, sad, and pathetic to be that brainwashed by a D-list reality TV star.
Being a member of a white supremacy group might not be the most comfortable way to enter a prison.
I’m predicting more tears.
rmg_35's Avatar
The biggest tears will come from the treasonist traitor tRump and his whining, bitching, crying maga cult when his time comes to join the jackass proud boys and oath keepers in jail. They keep moving up the ladder!!!
DNinja69's Avatar
Being a member of a white supremacy group might not be the most comfortable way to enter a prison.
I’m predicting more tears. Originally Posted by Charley3
Not sure I agree with the label but I am pretty sure there will be a good size support group in lockup for any Proud Boys who find themselves doing time. Some of the sentences seem a bit excessive to me but many of the Jan 6 offenders do deserve some orange suit fittings
I didn't think there was any debate about what the Proud Boys represent. The label is accurate. Little "Enrique" was just a plant to throw people off that scent.

Not so sure the support will be enough in prison, either. At least as many in there who hate what the PBs stand for.
... OH - But then --- The appeal process....

And the FACT that Mr. Tarrio is saying that the government
prosecutours tryed like Jack-the Lad to FORCE him to LIE
and claim that President Trump DIRECTLY asked him
to send the Proud Boys to the Capitol.

And Tarrio told them to "pound sand"... So they brought up
charge after charge...

.... Nice honest government you lads got here.

Tarrio hasn't said anything - yet - on whether the
prosecutours there asked him IF he helped Trump
collude with Russia.

#### Salty