Speaking of peeing; A reservoir is being drained after ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... a man urinated in it.


Although this might not exactly be exactly the place to post this, don't you think that this response to the incident is a little overkill?

We allow cockroach parts in chocolate. Don't get me started on what is in your average hotdog. And with a dilution rate of parts per million of the quantity of liquid the man put in, and considering urine is almost all water with Only trace elements. Considering it is an open air storage pool, a tenth of an inch of rain will have more contaminants, including uric acid/urea, that's $35,000 of taxpayer money they, pardon the pun, pissed away over nothing. Not to mention the water was already chlorinated, which means in about 5 minutes after the man urinated most of the urea would have been neutralized anyway.

This is what happens when you put emotions and being "politically correct" and not wanting to offend people in front of common sense and scientific facts.
cruiser1028's Avatar
I don't think anyone even considers the fact that birds have free access to drop anything into our treated water. I highly doubt if one person pissing in there would have done a bit of harm.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Hell! Throw a few pounds of chlorine in it and be done. Works for treatment plants and swimming pools.

FishGuy13's Avatar
Hmm, must be a slow news day. If I was the worker who saw the video, I think I would have just laughed it off. Perhaps the local people need to think abut this when election time comes around and how the water dept is wasting 30 grand over a few oz from one guy, but still has an open air tank that gives birds and some other wildlife free access to the water. Add some extra chlorine and be done with it.
Just another example of how we a voting public continue to elect people who lack common sense and will not bother to consult experts before making decisions calculated to garner votes.
WiLsOn's Avatar
Reminds me of the drunk guy that got kicked out of the hotel pool for peeing in it. He complained to the manager, "but everyone pees in the hotel pool?"

The manager said, "yes, but, not everyone pees in the hotel pool from the diving board like you just did!"