Voyeurism....... What say the masses?

I have a "friend" that has mentioned wanting to just watch me have sex with another man. He knows about the hobby and is okay with it being a guy from here or my RW. I am tempted, but nervous. I think I would rather pull a gent I click with from here than my every day life. I know lots of guys have done MFM, but wondering how many of you would have an issue being watched? He doesn't want to participate or say anything. How comfortable would you be performing with an audience? Ladies, do you or have you participated in such scenarios? Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
corona's Avatar
This sounds incredibly hot. Have you and this friend played together?
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Hmm. You know how I like to watch you. 😈

I've never been in that type of situation. However, I have done a GB and in that situation, guys are standing around watching. I think it's hottt!!

I see where you'd be cautious of having a RW guy. Definitely need to have chemistry but respect of boundaries with whoever you pick. I know a RW guy or two that would be dtf. Lol
This sounds incredibly hot. Have you and this friend played together? Originally Posted by corona
Yes, quite a lot actually and we have great chemistry!

Hmm. You know how I like to watch you. 😈

I've never been in that type of situation. However, I have done a GB and in that situation, guys are standing around watching. I think it's hottt!!

I see where you'd be cautious of having a RW guy. Definitely need to have chemistry but respect of boundaries with whoever you pick. I know a RW guy or two that would be dtf. Lol Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Maybe you and him can watch together! I may need a number or two....
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Omg my nipples got all tingly :-)
corona's Avatar
Maybe I need to bring Laura over and we see what happens...
Now my nipples are all tingly!
corona's Avatar
Guest042715's Avatar
Hell, now everyone's nipples are tingly. And other parts.......
I don't mind if so done watches us...let's have a watching party.
Laura and I can hide in closet and watch.
bored@home's Avatar
How much is your friend willing to pay to watch and much of the cut goes the guys way?? I may give a discount for a nice review
pyramider's Avatar
So would the fucktard watch me take my nap after my two minutes of action?
I had a former client that actually has that exact same fantasy. He has been wanting to watch a woman he is intimate with have sex with another man. He says it just gets him all riled up. He used to have me tell him about guys I have fucked while we were doing the nasty. Although I never got to experience this before, I think it would be fun! I personally would ease into it, though and start by calling your friend during a session and letting him listen to you having sex, and then eventually work up to actually making him the live audience. I think it may help the comfort level
I think almost everybody enjoys voyeurism. I mean, what is porn other than voyeurism? Of course, not everybody likes to be the object of a voyeur's gaze, and I guess that's the real point of the thread.

True story (I apologize if this is a mini-hijack, but it's still pretty much on-topic): Me and my very first real girlfriend (i.e. first real sexual relationship) were doing our thing in her room one weekday afternoon after school, when all of a sudden there was a noise from the closet (a shoebox or some such fell). No prob. Things fall. But then I hear a rustling a few seconds later. I just looked at my GF and asked straight up, "Who's in there? Go on and bring 'em out." It was one of her friends who had never had sex (nor ever seen porn...this was in ye olden times), and my GF had agreed to let her watch so she could see what all the fuss was about. She came out, and I had a good laugh (she was trying to watch through a little crack and the vents in a 2 part "accordion" door). I wasn't upset in the least. Invited her to have a seat and we went on about our business.

It was pretty cool, actually. Never asked what she thought about it, though. Hope she wasn't too traumatized by my amateurish technique. I'll tell you that it did have an impact on me, 'cause me and my first wife were quite the exhibitionists and regularly did things in public that would land you on a sex offenders list these days.

Anyway, bottom line: give it a try if you're even the least little bit interested (assuming you can find a combination that is agreeable to all concerned), 'cause it IS a rush. Big time.