Time for a little vacation...

I am about to put some miles between myself and the gulf Coast to venture off for some fun and relaxation. Hope you guys have a great week!
Ladies, if you need a reference, please email me at exotic.florabelle@gmail.com

I will be back on the coast May 7-14.
Last day is May 15.

This is my final annoucement, that no, I am not going to remain utr. I am not going to reside in this area. I will not still be seeing clients.

It is time to shut the door and open new ones. It has been fun.
But it must end.

After May 15, all communication will cease. Emails and accounts will be disabled and all contact numbers terminated.
DallasRain's Avatar
have fun sexy
Thank you Dallas! I have enjoyed your friendship sweetheart! I hope these guys know how much of a doll you truly are.
DallasRain's Avatar
and you are a treasure and will be greatly missed///luv ya sexy!
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
It just won't be the same without you; thanks for all you do and have done, you've been quite the "mama hen" and will miss you sweetness...
perhaps a little or BIG get-together when you get back if you want!? Anybody in?
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Have a fun vacation, and great retirement.
Safe travels my friend! Enjoy your vacation! You will be missed when you leave the hobbying world. I wish you the best in wherever life takes you.
Thank you angel!
Hope you have a great time . You'll be missed around here, Im sure you'll do well in whatever you plan to do after you retire.