Since I seem to no longer be of any value to this community, I quit.....

With recent events and things that have been said to me, I now realize just how little I mean to this community.

I know I get overly passionate about certain things sometimes and speak my mind but all I have ever tried to do is make you guys happy and keep the ladies safe.

But it's obvious that my knowledge and services are no longer needed/wanted in the DFW area. So I will be traveling only.

There are some gentlemen to whom I still owe sessions. Contact me so we can resolve this. But I can no longer pretend that my feelings are not hurt. I can no longer put on a happy face and act like everything is okay.

I will still be here for references for you ladies and for a select few who have grown on me over the years. I will still come into chat to give a few of you hell.

So with that said, and with tears in my eyes, after a 10 year tenure in these here parts-I quit.

What?! Why? I always enjoyed talking with you in chat. I'm sorry you are leaving. I hope you change your mind. *Hugs*
Oh Meg your are a wonderful woman and a great provider. Im very sorry that you have gotten your feelings hurt. I truly wish that you would stay here with us longer but you know what is best for you. I have however always enjoyed the time we spent in chat as well as reading your post.

Loves to you and i hope everything works out ok.
If you weren't such a drama queen and were more reasonably priced for a girl your size, you'd probably do a lot of business. I know I'd see you. Your online persona makes me think of you as a man with a vagina. Just keeping it real. Good luck, whatever you do.
Sad to see you go; especially if it's due to one or more of the insulting snots that have slithered into the ECCIE community. I hope you stay. You're blunt wit is always refreshing and welcomed. It's obviously your decision and since you strike me as a strong-willed person it'd have to be your decision to stick around, but please consider disregarding those on here that can't be positive or contribute more than their hate and negative attitudes. All they deserve from any of us is pity.
Say it ain't so, Meg
Guest101610-2's Avatar
OH meg {not minimizing hurt feelings} we love you. The hardest thing in the world is taking constructive critisism. I have no idea what people have said to you but do these people that have said these things matter? Who are they to you? This is your home. You bring wonderous variety to these old walls. I hope you don't let others push you out of your own house. You've put in the time here. You belong as much as anyone else. I hope you don't actually go.
more reasonably priced for a girl your size, Originally Posted by steviewinwood
So a bigger girl's time is less valuable than a smaller girl's time? Popcorn, anyone?
Meg...I will miss you!!!! You are one of a kind and I am happy I know you!

steviewinwood you are less than an ass hole...just keeping it real!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Would you stop it! Okay, so the shit gets deep from time to time, and when you take away the WKs, the drama queens and kings and other various and assorted shitheads that frequent the hobby or any other human endeavor there's no much left. But that's no reason to leave. Chill; let it roll. You're better than they are. And besides, if you leave they win. And there are too few of us anyway.
I just gave honest, constructive feedback. If she's so great the way she is, why is she at the point where she's begging for money and begging for drama by even posting this? If it makes you people feel better to call me names, have at it. Hotlips is a smart girl. Either she'll make changes that will produce better resuilts or she won't. Either way, I wish her luck.
Redsan's Avatar
Meg for every "shit head" their are 100 great gals and guys in this community.
If you leave who will keep us all in line. Sorry you were hurt and please rethink
your leaving DFW.
Meg, I think you should stick around just to raise the blood pressure of the crusty, old turds. Most people that lash out with hateful criticism are the most vulnerable when it comes to receiving criticism or sharp rebukes. You've got a sharp tongue and wit so just let loose on them and watch 'em wither away!
Meg, I think you should stick around just to raise the blood pressure of the crusty, old turds. Most people that lash out with hateful criticism are the most vulnerable when it comes to receiving criticism or sharp rebukes. You've got a sharp tongue and wit so just let loose on them and watch 'em wither away! Originally Posted by txcwby6
Great advice. How's that been working out for her? Why don't you schedule an appointment with her?
ANONONE's Avatar
Sorry to hear that things are not going well, Meg. Sometimes distance is the best thing for both parties as they sort out their perspectives. Just guessing here, but chances are that your absence will help the hearts and minds of DFW to grow fonder, and it might help you take a break from things and fall in love with that community all over again.

In the meantime, let me just say that gents in far flung areas (like say OHIO??? Please???) would be happy to help you feel better for a while as you travel.
