This Is YOUR fault!

ICU 812's Avatar
If you are one who voted for Joe Biden and the Democrats in 2020, the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine todsy is, in part, YOUR fault. There is blood on your hands.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is in larger part YOUR fault. Because you support the man who allowed Putin to have his way with Ukraine when their president wouldn't dig up dirt on his presumed opponent. Trump poured them out. You have shit on your hands.

Save your phony outrage, man.
matchingmole's Avatar
Ukraine todsy?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is in larger part YOUR fault. Because you support the man who allowed Putin to have his way with Ukraine when their president wouldn't dig up dirt on his presumed opponent. Trump poured them out. You have shit on your hands.

Save your phony outrage, man. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

bullshit! Trump sent weapons to Ukraine. when Russia took Crimea Obama sent Red Cross Blankies.

how did Trump allow Putin to have his way with Ukraine? let's see ...

Putin annexes Crimea under Obama's watch. what was that famous quote about being "more flexible"? Trump didn't say that. Obama did.

the Ukraine issue has been simmering for a long time. did Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was president? Nope.

he waited until Senile Joe was president. explain that sparky.
I take full responsibility and you and Trump sucking Putins dick go somewhere else and hide. What a ridiculous post and headline to blame the invasion on Biden.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I take full responsibility and you and Trump sucking Putins dick go somewhere else and hide. What a ridiculous post and headline to blame the invasion on Biden. Originally Posted by Hdtown

who's fault do you think it is?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Part of Putin's calculations had to be the fact the worst thing the West could do to Putin, shut down his ability to get rich selling oil and gas, you know, the stuff Joe Biden pledged to end and the very first thing he did as President was shut down a pipeline that might be pretty handy at getting Europeans off Russian energy and buying it from us making us money and not Putin, Germany and other European nations will not do because of their dependence on Russian oil and gas, oil and gas we could be selling.

Thanks for nothing Joe.

Then Putin probably looked at the disaster that was Afghanistan and thought, "holy crap, what a military buffoon Biden is".

Was the invasion all Biden's fault, of course not but there are things that this President did that very well may have led Putin to think, this is the guy I was waiting for because he sure didn't try this while Trump was President and if they were such good buddies, Putin's asset, wouldn't that have been the time to move on Ukraine?

I hear those Javelin missiles Trump sold Ukraine are working pretty good. Multiple Russian tanks and Russian soldiers killed all due to Trump. Suck on that Putin!
... Mates, let us NOT forget that Putin stepped right
into Georgia with W. Bush on. ... Maybe Vlad was gonna
look for WMD's there for Bush. ...

... No secret that Bush and OBama are good mates.
Part of the same Swamp that Biden's surely been in
his whole adult life...

... How much control do China, Russia, and Ukraine
have over Biden and his family... All those "Big Guy" deals?

Oh, the Places the Investigations Will Go.
Next Year.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I take full responsibility and you and Trump sucking Putins dick go somewhere else and hide. What a ridiculous post and headline to blame the invasion on Biden. Originally Posted by Hdtown
Actually, he blamed it on you and me. You know, because it's gotta be SOMEONE'S fault.

I figure the OP is as upset about this shit as the rest of the world. However, like other Trumpists, he might just be thinking his head will explode right into the tin foil if he can't figure out a way to blame it on ANYBODY but Putin, and his blowbuddy.

I know this is really upsetting me. An expansionist war in Europe is unconscionable. And here it is. And some people are pointing fingers. Others are jerking off. I'd like to see the President for Life's term end in his sleep. Soon.
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Mates, let us NOT forget that Putin stepped right
into Georgia with W. Bush on. ... Maybe Vlad was gonna
look for WMD's there for Bush. ...

... No secret that Bush and OBama are good mates.
Part of the same Swamp that Biden's surely been in
his whole adult life...

... How much control do China, Russia, and Ukraine
have over Biden and his family... All those "Big Guy" deals?

Oh, the Places the Investigations Will Go.
Next Year.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

And will CNN and MSDNC, cover any of it?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I recall Russia invading Afghanistan under Carter, Russia invading Crimea under Obama, Russia invading nobody under Trump and Russia invading Ukraine under Biden, but I'm struggling to see the pattern there.

Heck fire, I can't even recall who was Obama's point person for Ukraine during the Obama years. It's hell getting old...
ICU 812's Avatar
I would put the Crimea take over on the list for Obama voters.

And Georgia too.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
bullshit! Trump sent weapons to Ukraine. when Russia took Crimea Obama sent Red Cross Blankies.

how did Trump allow Putin to have his way with Ukraine? let's see ...

Putin annexes Crimea under Obama's watch. what was that famous quote about being "more flexible"? Trump didn't say that. Obama did.

the Ukraine issue has been simmering for a long time. did Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was president? Nope.

he waited until Senile Joe was president. explain that sparky. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Lets not forget that Obama/Biden sent MREs with an expiration date to Ukraine. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
ICU 812's Avatar
Look: Anybody here have grandparents who came here from say, Hungary (1956) or Czechoslovakia (1968)? Ask them about it.

Anybody have relatives who survived the 1930s in Europe? The Great Depression wasn't the half of their childhood experience. Ask them about it.

This shit isn't about mean tweets, golf or who sleeps in Delaware; personalities don't really matter on this level; policy and resolve do.

The situation evolving in Europe right now is on par with Nevel Chamberlain's illusion of "Peace in our time".

Only this time around, China is the sleeping giant.

And the American isolationists are at it again.

This is the socialist/communist version of aggressive facadism, here and now, in the third decade of the Twenty-First Century.

In a global, pan-national sense and in a direct personal; sense: If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are.

Haven’t heard any solutions outta you. Just whining and pissing.

Shoulda stayed in school.