Newbie status SUCKS!!! And not the good way!!

Poolboy318's Avatar
I have a question for providers and hobbiest. I know the ultimate goal for everyone involved in this play world is to have fun and be safe. I am a NEWBIE, NUB, NEW B, or whatever you want to call me. At what point am I trusted and providers will start responding?? THIS SUCKS!!

I have met a couple awesome girls and provided reviews. I have even friended a fellow hobbiest who is helping me venture this world but I message certain providers who just don’t respond and it’s frusterating. I don’t blame them...I know it’s for their safety but damn when does it end???

Providers please chime in.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Oh, let's've been a member here for all of 20 days and you're whining and bitching about when will all this newbie shit end? Maybe when you're not a newbie whining about still being a newbie.
Be respectful, ask for appointment and keep them when confirmed. Try joining p411 and ask the providers you have seen to recommend you to their friends or to maybe arrange a double with one of her provider friends. Just keep asking and writing reviews.
Poolboy318's Avatar
MM. Just trying to get some advice and thanks for providing some. Not meaning to bitch and whine just looking for guidance while bitching and whining.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I'd recommend p411 also. It's were I broke out. It's gives providers Some security about you.
Cassmann's Avatar
If you remember I told ya p411 would open the doors faster for you. Sure it's another step, but providers Love p411
Poolboy318's Avatar
CM you did. I guess I will have to if I want shit done faster. May just find a few I like and stick with them.
^You need a nap!!!!
From the welcome wagon.

I would do both. Meet with two newbie friendly providers, then have one of them give you a P411 referral. That will give you 6 months of p411 for free and you will have two "OKs". You can then see most any lady. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
Along with a good respectful attitude, this is the Blue Print for success! Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown