Another hidden gem in latest spending resolution

It appears that in the latest spending/budget resolution signed into law on Dec 20th, a little hidden gem raising the national age for smoking to 21.

By all accounts it's effective as of Dec 20th as well.

FDA enforcement guidelines are not available nor distributed yet, but many national and local retailers are already starting to enforce it.

What are everyone's thought on this?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The guberments effort to "control " never stops often hiding deep inside "bills" that no one reads , sadly
My opinion its a violation of the 10 th ad "state powers"
HoeHummer's Avatar
What next? Are they goings to force everybody to eats their veggies?

Originally Posted by rexdutchman
What next? Are they goings to force everybody to eats their veggies? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Michelle tried that. It resulted in the most waste in school lunch programs in the history of the programs.

The smoking change though, if it truly does become immediate, is going to result in potentially inciting more violence and backlash than many of the other items bantered about in here daily.

Most states implementing these changes would offer a transition period for those effected until the law took effect. This doesn't seem to have that. Smoking has been proven to be addictive and you are suddenly cutting off people cold turkey. Sounds like another prohibition debacle to me.
Budman's Avatar
Michelle tried that. It resulted in the most waste in school lunch programs in the history of the programs.

The smoking change though, if it truly does become immediate, is going to result in potentially inciting more violence and backlash than many of the other items bantered about in here daily.

Most states implementing these changes would offer a transition period for those effected until the law took effect. This doesn't seem to have that. Smoking has been proven to be addictive and you are suddenly cutting off people cold turkey. Sounds like another prohibition debacle to me. Originally Posted by eccielover

I doubt that many people would not find a way around this but it would be an inconvenience. What's kinda of ridiculous is that many states and politicians are pushing for legalization of weed and other drugs.
I doubt that many people would not find a way around this but it would be an inconvenience. What's kinda of ridiculous is that many states and politicians are pushing for legalization of weed and other drugs. Originally Posted by Budman
Oh, they will indeed find a way, people always do. I just happened to be in line when a patron found out this particular national retailer had already instituted the new rules and they couldn't buy their smokes. It was not pretty for a few minutes.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I was in the Navy for 4 years and often heard "smoke'em if you got'em". Many of those that did are now dead but it was their choice and I don't believe in taking away choices that only hurts the individual.

So that would be a "no" from me.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I was in the Navy for 4 years and often heard "smoke'em if you got'em". Many of those that did are now dead but it was their choice and I don't believe in taking away choices that only hurts the individual.

So that would be a "no" from me. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

fewer stupid people to deal with, eh?
People should eat their vegetables and not smoke and certainly not drink sugary sodas.

However, they should have the freedom to decide for themselves.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2019, 08:20 PM
People can smoke and eat to obesity - but I do not want to pay for their medical care for self-induced illness with my tax dollars.
No- Hell No.

You smoke, drink, and overeat - pay for your own insurance/medical care.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^ Yupper that's the point ,