Craigslist: "Your Account Has Been Placed on Hold"

Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Yesterday, I received a notice from craigslist that "your account has been placed on hold." I had been placing ads on craigslist looking for a sugar baby. About the most explicit thing I would write would be "mutually beneficial relationship" or "generous gentleman" or "sugar baby." The ads were suggestive but not explicit. Some of my ads got flagged but the majority did not, especially as I figured out what was getting my ads flagged. Anyone familiar with this or had it happen to them before? Anything I should be doing? I emailed them and asked why my account had been placed on hold but they have not yet responded.
Well, when I've run ads in the past for Valentine's Day on craigslist, they don't allow the word "sweetie", "sweet", "sugar", and definitely not "baby". Oh and get this - they don't allow the word "NEW". NEW! Of all words... This could be the reason your account was placed on hold. Plus if you call them, they won't answer any account questions - only billing questions.

If I were you, I would start a new account with a new email address, and try it again without those words. The words "mutually beneficial relationship" should be ok... it's those other words that could be thought of as "kid" words, that might raise a flag.

Good luck.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Thanks for the suggestion. But, when I signed up I had to verify my account with a phone number and they wouldn't take my google number. Not sure if they take burner cell numbers. It's a little more difficult to get a new number to verify a new account, so I'd rather not go that route if I don't have to.
Whispers's Avatar
there are online sites where you can "lease lines" they ill assign you a number that will work with CL and call forward it to your line. They work for about 3 months at a time
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but once they put your account on hold you will never hear from them again. They don't respond nor will they "undie" your account as we call it. Your account is history, we've all been there.
I am having an issue with posting ads on backpage, they are accepting the fee, then I get an ad pending, then they delete it with no explanation, even though I have broken no rules. I have 2 email accounts that I use and I am guessing I am flagged for some reason. The least they could do is refund the money. WTF

Anyone else having problems? I dont understand how the vulgar nasty ads are approved and mine are rejected.
i was banned on craigslist for having too many "apt wanted" ads. oh well!

if you are iso a sugarbabe, i suggest checking out .i do pretty well on their
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Kendra, thanks for the info.

Does CL ever use the number you provide for any purposes other than to provide an activation code when the account is first begun? I'm thinking about starting a new account. They won't accept the number I provided for the account placed on hold. So, I'm thinking about using a random phone from my place of employment. If it's just one call, then I don't think it should be a problem. But, I wouldn't want CL calling that number or giving it out to marketers to call frequently.
I tried to find a list of words they flag but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have that list?