Fitness Tips?

Okay, so I'm not at all a very fit very flexible person. I even get cramps trying to do simple positions like mish and have trouble, endurance wise, staying in one position, minus cg which is easy. Anyone have any fitness tips or exercises I should do daily to aid in my struggles?

I have no problem lasting long before completion, my reviews prove this. In fact, I typically am unable to finish off properly at the end of an appointment, though I still leave satisfied.
El Guapo77's Avatar
I am losing weight and feeling stronger after joining a crossfit gym a month ago. The first two weeks I went slow and just did beginner exercises. I was still sore as hell. I started doing the advanced stuff recently and can feel the difference already. They also go over proper diet which is %80 of the battle. I feel more energetic and younger already. At $100 a month though it does eat into my provider budget but my libido has improved and so has my overall confidence. We are never too old to get in shape and improve the quality of our health/ the women in the classes are friggin GORGEOUS
I follow a very strict exercise regimen that consists of cigarettes and beer, along with fried food and bbq. I follow up with a young sexy personal trainer that has me do variations of an ab thrust a few times a week. I still need to lose weight, and haven't gotten in very good shape, but I'm really happy.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Drink more water and perhaps do some warm up stretches/exercises before getting to the deed Run around the bed a few times first
jimtkle's Avatar
I, like Mr Smith, believe in the 12oz arm curls. Sprinkling in a 16oz or 40/40 malt liquors. Here and there. Squats are ok, well my girls don't complain when they squat on me. No problems here in paradise.
rjdiner's Avatar
Okay, so I'm not at all a very fit very flexible person. I even get cramps trying to do simple positions like mish and have trouble, endurance wise, staying in one position, minus cg which is easy. Anyone have any fitness tips or exercises I should do daily to aid in my struggles?

I have no problem lasting long before completion, my reviews prove this. In fact, I typically am unable to finish off properly at the end of an appointment, though I still leave satisfied. Originally Posted by DVL345913
The 3 best for better sex I've found are the basics: pushups, ab crunches and back bridges. Plus whatever Dawn says

I've been doing these and others for quite a while as part of a workout routine. While these have helped, the best part is I have lost enough of my gut that I can once again see the girl giving me a blow job. lol

I forgot how hot that really is!!
The 3 best for better sex I've found are the basics: pushups, ab crunches and back bridges. Plus whatever Dawn says

I've been doing these and others for quite a while as part of a workout routine. While these have helped, the best part is I have lost enough of my gut that I can once again see the girl giving me a blow job. lol

I forgot how hot that really is!! Originally Posted by rjdiner
Well I think dawn is right on hydration, which may be the cause of me unable to explode 3 provider appointments in a row.

As for the exercises, thank you for the advice, I'll start doing a bit of that. Another thing I should probably do is stretch before heading out there as well, which may account for my cramps in a simple mish position.
Drink more water and perhaps do some warm up stretches/exercises before getting to the deed Run around the bed a few times first Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
Yes m'am!

Hydration and stretches I hope will help out a lot. I'll try to parallel what I remembered doing in university physical training, the year I was actually fit, which was 12 years ago... I've gotten awfully lazy since then.
run in place, jump ropes, core exercises, push ups... i did insanity last year, got rid of the gut and toned the muscles, now i have my gut back, but im doing asylum which is insanity but different, if that makes sense.

either im thinner, more flexible and have better elasticity, or my dick got thicker and longer.
Try vinyasa power yoga. 3-4 times per week. Can us DVD or a class of just find some stuff online. It will be very challenging to start but you can modify to your ability. It will cover everything mentioned above. it will build strength, flexibility, balance. It will also strengthen you in a balanced way. You will sweet your ass off and breath as heavy as you would jogging. To hell with worrying about doing it perfectly or being able to keep up with the demonstrator. Just keep showing up and in time you'll be stronger and able to do it.
Other than that, make better nutrition selections. I live by the 80/20 rule. As long as 80% of what I eat/do is healthy... Fuck the rest. Guys always say 'I dont wanna do no yoga. Trust me. It will enhance all aspects of anything you do physically. Other than that, make sure that you get off our ass and do something to keep yourrself young 5_6 days a week. I don't care if its just we talking to the market and carrying your own groceries. Do something. Sweat a little breath a little harder than norm.
rjdiner's Avatar
That is a funny avatar.
capitan1962's Avatar
Moral of the story:

"Don't ask an alcoholic how to quit drinking."