Zoesgirls, reviews, girls pics etc.... lets talk


For those who personally know me , hi For those of you who don't I'm very happy to invite everyone to have a decent conversation. Not Rude, not offensive or disrespectful. Ive been a provider in the past and i now work with a group of girls who some of you have met and other of you should take the time to give them a chance.

Boobs mcgee you and i know that you're pissed the girls in my shop don't wanna see you anymore because you're an asshole who threatens ppl with reviews on eccie. You're mad because even tho you threaten to expose us to APD we still refuse to see you so now you shit on every review as a sorry attempt to have ppl not see us. Im happy to say most ppl on eccie don't value your opinion due to the fact that everyone knows you're a jerk high on arrogance.

Eden review.... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She might not be your cup of tea. Yes blue panties pic is her... Come on ppl use tineye reverse image. YES... Eden pictures are real! she even updated her profile with new pics in our VIP room (most of you will recognize this by the bed, mirror and the white rug on the floor) That review was incorrect for more than one reason, yes they were late. The SPECIAL WAS 2 GIRLS FOR 240. He didn't see alice, didn't have a session with her at all. The details i know about this session i don't care to share but don't tell me it was a lausy massage when you sit on the edge of the bed not wanting to leydown or get rubbed. I DONT FEEL THE NEED TO COMMENT ON REVIEWS. Everyones experience is different and not every girl is gonna be everyones favorite, keep in mind that for every 1 good/bad review theres 20 other satisfied customers who don't review. Some of you from eccie some not. I don't worry about reviews. Whoever that girl was posting on review was an independent person. Its sad her opinion is not valued because she is a girl. We see females, couples, males, groups ect.

Eden pics Yes REAL. Esmeralda / Esme YES her pics are also real. Brittany REAL, Kyla REAL... also taken in our shop look at the floors lol. April, Not real but very close representation. Adrianna same Not Real but very close. Lilly Rose Not real, some reviews say she looks close some don't (you judge). Jane REAL, taken before all her tattoos but real. Alice not real, again close reprecentation. NO BOOS MCGEE YOU NEVER HAD A SESSION WITH ALICE, JANE OR LILLY. YOU LIKE BLONDES NOT MEX/PERSIAN BRUNETS & THEY MUST BE 20 OR YOUNGER.

I was a provider before, i know ppl have different taste or like different stuff. Some girls as we all know are more open to some activities than others but over all we do not provide fs or have ever offered or claim to do so. If you are expecting fs you will be sadly disappointed. I do apologize for those who have not had a good experience in my shop. i have tried to make things fair and just when My girls have fked up. Ive honored discounts offered by me because someone cut time short or was late to session ect. I offer a safe place and i try to keep everyone clean in their own persona to provide a pleasent session for our clients. I have taken on the role to come in at night and clean shop, thats when most of you see me. so yes we clean the shop from top to bottom, including door knobs lol.

And if you ask why this post.... simply because I'm tired of assholes like boobs mcgee who have been banned from my shop shitting on girls reviews without ever having the pleasure of meeting them. Im not talking down on the review it self, again everyone can say how they feel about the seesion or time spent but seriously review the proper thing, you session with the girl not the friend who you didn't have a session with. Don't include girls or generalize everyone is the same cuz were all in same shop. And most of all don't believe the rudeness that comes from a bitter jerk who i refuse service to and is now mad because all of you still get the pleasure to enjoy the sweetness of APRIL and he doesn't.

Little Monster's Avatar
In your first paragraph you said you wanted a decent conversation. Then in the second paragraph you called someone an asshole and a jerk. Oh yeah this should be a good thread (hopefully)
I didn't know there were any negative comments or reviews of your services until your post. It's best to just let stuff like this slide rather than shine a light on it; rarely does any good come of it. You only open yourself up to further criticism and attacks. Besides as you say you have plenty of good reviews to balance out the bad. Good reviews need no defense.
Im not at all offending someone who actually saw Eden and reviewed, if i call someone an asshole i feel this specific person is deserving of it. Not only has he threathen my safety but also many of you current members who continue to visit my place. If i pay any attention to a bad review, it wasn't the review i was mostly dissagreeing with, its the stupid comment made by this same member sho continues to shit on us out of pitty and anger that girls don't wanna see him anymore. I'm open to criticism and your opinions are valid. I appriciated all the suggestions and comments i can get to help us become better providers
Okay so now you've got me interested, I looked at your review history and didn't see any negative comments from anyone. So i look into the Spa review section and see this review:http://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1824676

I see it's not just one person's negative comments--you got a bad review and someone else agreed. Now I'm starting to wonder whether there's something to these complaints.
No. 1 person reviewed, an other agreed( boobs mcgee) not valid. The rest are genetal comments about fake pics ect. I'm ok with ppl reviewing good or bad. You're entitled to your opinion.
The rest are genital comments Originally Posted by ZoeNURU
dodger's Avatar
.. as for the rest ... shit happens. you're (OP) right, of course ... but .. still .... shit happens.

on the plus side ... you seem like a reasonable business type provider and ... the pics are hot ..

but i'm sort of gfe ... not nuru ... so ... it doesn't really matter to me. still ... the pics are hot

nice to know ladies like that are available .... because ... those pics are hot
dodger's Avatar
Originally Posted by ZoeNURU
The rest are genital comments Originally Posted by saustin
i think you corrected the wrong typo ... genetal ... translates better to 'general' ... than ' genital' ... but it's easy to see where you mind is ....

oh ... and those pics are hot!
bachus's Avatar

And the ad I responded to had a special 240 one girl; 280 two girls; http://austin.backpage.com/BodyRubs/.../11861637....I went with 240 1 girl; When Alice showed up unannounced and without prior notice to me she said she was there for "protection" not to provide FBSM (unless I wanted)
bachus's Avatar
Sounds like you have access to the ROS in my review
No babe i do not have access to ROS in your review. I don't have a profile as a male only as a female provider. Info gathered was by speeking to Eden.


Same deal was for Eden & Alice sorry for the miscommunication. I don't think you would've wanted Alice anyways. The (unless you want it) should've be your hint and Yes 2 girls are offered in add. 2 girls go on outcalls for eachothers safety. A minimum.of two girls are always working together. Sadly girls have been taken advantage of at work and i will do my best to assure that doesnt happen again. Sorry if you expected a solo girl.
russellevans's Avatar
First impressions

You're saying you have fake pics? Big red flag to me. There is no leniency here, I want to see the actual girl. If the girls were really hot, there is no reason you should use fake pics.

Some girls are more open to activities than others. This will always cause you problems. I get that you operate in a grey area and you cant guarantee certain services, but that creates a big problem. Inconsistency between girls. When a dude is wanting to get off, having shit be different at the last minute is a sure fire way to leave him upset.
artist6338's Avatar
Post there real pictures. No false advertising !