On Being Thankful for ECCIE and ATX

Ugh. I'm VERY FRUSTRATED right now. And those of you who know me probably understand that my low-key nature makes ruffling my feathers a very difficult task. (My board persona is probably a bit misleading in this regard.)

Anywho! I considered taking my show on the local road to do some UTR work. I had an awesome trip or two in Austin (work wise) and figured it'd help pad the bank for if/when I do relocate back to Texas. Nothing crazy, just a few appointments a month with a handful of regulars. In an effort to find those regulars, I updated my P411 and signed up to the local review board...a board that I've read some iffy things about. I simply registered in order to see the forums. I wasn't looking for verification, posting privileges, or the ability to post ads. Once again, UTR.

Fast-forward to half an hour ago, I see that I had my very own topic complete with blown-up pictures, phone number listed, outdated reviews (like 6 years outdated), and an email that I haven't used in over 5 years, and 400+ views. So much for being UTR? And even if someone liked what they saw, there was no way for them to contact me with the information provided! And there's no SpaceMtn around in those parts for me to politely ask to have it all removed.

So, I'm grumpy. And feel violated in some way. I know that it's my own fault for having that information public enough for someone to find, but I've never had such an experience on any of the other hobby boards that I've ever participated in during my tenure as a provider. And it's pissing me off!

All that being said, I just wanted to mention that y'all are awesome and this place is pretty great. I'll take a thoughtful pissing match with Whispers and StillLooking any day over someone posting an ad for me with information that I would never put in an ad.

Someone pass me a drink, please.
Got it removed. Sorry for the rant.

But! Three things worth noting.
1) Sometimes the longer you've been doing this, the more sloppy you are with protecting yourself in this biz.
2) Be weary of any new boards/advertising venues. Ask around and most importantly ask the girls.
3) Calm down. Those who run boards are very likely to assist you in removing information once you ask.
I love it when you rant Jen! It shows off that fancy vocabulary!
Last week when I was giving a conversational blowie (really, a great type of blowie) I made a guy do a sexy shudder when I used a compound word. You guys get off on weird things, but I get it. I also like hearing you boys make work calls when you're sitting at my incall -- definitely adds a bit of vanilla to the spice and I do enjoy complex flavors.

(Update: the increased traffic to my site yielded 0 appointments and 2 hate-emails. Awesome. )
I love the fact that you know what a compound word is. You would be suprised how many people don't these days. The English language as we know it is fast becoming an endangered species thanks to hip hop slang and text lingo. As far as your traffic from your new unintentional ad, that sucks!
Still Looking's Avatar
All that being said, I just wanted to mention that y'all are awesome and this place is pretty great. I'll take a thoughtful pissing match with Whispers and StillLooking any day over someone posting an ad for me with information that I would never put in an ad.

Someone pass me a drink, please. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Were starting to grow on you aren't we? LOL
Whispers's Avatar
All that being said, I just wanted to mention that y'all are awesome and this place is pretty great. I'll take a thoughtful pissing match with Whispers and StillLooking any day over someone posting an ad for me with information that I would never put in an ad.

Someone pass me a drink, please. Originally Posted by JennsLolli

If it snows next week we can try that pissing match and compare penmanship writing our names in the snow!
I gotta say, I heard some great things about both of ya from undisclosed sources (but good sources) on my last trip. Like the kid who pulled my ponytail in second grade but who also winked at me when he caught me cheating off his math homework. Sure, he made me huff from time to time, but he had a good heart...I guess.