I was talking to 2 of my many favorite ladies early this week and was getting their thoughts on the subject of Sensory Deprivation. I have been toying with the idea of ramping up my activities in this area. I have done many blindfolded session, with a lot of different toys, textures and temperatures. I have wanted to add in the audio aspect. I want to load an old iPod I have, a mixture of music or white noise or NPR Podcasts of "Car Talk", put the earbuds in, put some gause patches on her eyes, and then wrap her head with either an Ace bandage, CoBan or something else that will create some compression. Cover the eyes, and ears to make sure that the pads and earbuds will not slip during the session.
I wanted to see what anyone's experiences have been in this, from both the Dominant and Submissive standpoint. The sounds / music used (NiN, Fran Sinatra, Conjunction Junction, etc.), how to keep the earbuds in place and the overall experiences.
Looking forward to the feedback from you all.